Jeyser CRM Sodium
This is not the minor release we were looking for. Technically it should be a patch. However, because there are some changes in the database schema and in several containers structure, doing a minor release is more relevant. Learn about semver
# Be sure to regularly update your server: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull # if that step fails, reach us out on gitter
git checkout v2.3.0
# Remove validation field from database
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute 20171022125205
# Update traefik container
docker-compose stop traefik
docker-compose rm traefik
sed -i "s/traefik:\(morbier\|raclette\|camembert\)/traefik:roquefort/g" docker-compose.yml
# Update mailer container
docker-compose stop mailer
docker-compose rm mailer
docker rmi $(docker images incipio_mailer -q)
docker-compose build mailer # it can take a while
docker-compose up -d
# Clear cache
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web
As usual, don't copy paste the full snippet above on your server, do it line after line.
- Update to traefik roquefort (1.4)
- Improve demonstration data
- Fix provided doctypes
- Fix Gantt display
- Reduce mailer container image size & enlarge accepted ip range
- Remove query source on Facture index view
- Minor coding stuff (typing, codestyle ...)
As stated before, this is quite unexpected. Sorry for the 2 minor releases in less than a month.