Jeyser CRM Magnesium
A pretty consistent update
As described in the README and our website, we will release a version implementing the GDPR by the 18th of February 2018. Read more
Warning: As usual, don't copy paste the whole block, do it line after line.
cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
# save config file and update it
cp var/key_value_store/config.json ./config.json.old
git checkout var/key_value_store/config.json
git pull
mv ./config.json.old var/key_value_store/config.json
# update the config file
sed -i "s/\"tva\"/\"fraisDossierDefaut\": 90,\"pourcentageAcompteDefaut\":0.4,\"tva\"/g" var/key_value_store/config.json
# apply database migrations
# Add fraisDossierDefaut and pourcentageAcompteDefaut Parameter to available parameters
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute -n 20171123202155
# Cascade delete between Etude & CC
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute -n 20180110191604
# Remove unused prestation type
docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:execute -n 20180112211714
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web
Comparaison entre 2.3.1 et 2.4.0
- Add helpers to get MontantHT & NbrJeh directly from a GroupePhase.
Example: Before in your doctype: Had to use a counter to display the number of JEH in a group of phaseNow{% for phase in groupe.phases %} {%set nombreJEH = nombreJEH + phase.nbrJEH %} {% endfor %} Nombre JEH groupe {{groupe.titre }}: {{ nombreJEH }}
The new doctypes takes advantages of that feature. Don't hesitate to have a look.Nombre JEH groupe {{ groupe.titre }}: {{groupe.NbrJeh}}
- Improve documentation and release a brand new website
- Fix bug on Avenant modification
- Improve Avenant management
- Change favicon and add mobile device icons
- Improve provided doctypes (CC, AP). have a look at them it might help you.
- Add Facture (Invoices) doctypes
- Fix broken link to documentation
- Improve error handling in etude management module
- Improve skill visualization view to have a better handling of a large amount of data.
- Keep opened tab in the URL for Etude view. You can now refresh the Etude view page and get the same opened tab. Makes link sharing easier.
- Frais de dossier and pourcentage d'acompte (sound french ? ;) ) default values can be set in the admin parameters.
- Display Etude removal button only for admins
- Display Etude progress on Vu CA page.
- A contact client can be removed from its modification page
- Fix Etude removal bug (Thanks Supaero)
- Improve AvMission management
- Default JEH value set to 340
- As usual, codebase improvement (code quality and so on) and user interface consistency improvement