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Marco Edward Gorelli edited this page Mar 10, 2025 · 28 revisions

Release process


In order for this process to work, you should clone Narwhals locally using ssh.

Then, run verify that you see the following output if you run git remote get-url upstream:

$ git remote get-url upstream
[email protected]:narwhals-dev/narwhals.git

If not, then you should first do

git remote add upstream [email protected]:narwhals-dev/narwhals.git

Fetch the latest changes

After you've merged everything you'd like to include, please make sure you're up-to-date with upstream/main:

git checkout main
git fetch upstream
git reset --hard upstream/main

Release process

Let's suppose we're doing a minor release, and are releasing Narwhals version 1.30.0. Examples will refer to that version.

  1. Check that the cuDF tests pass (this takes ~3 minutes). You can do this by running this Kaggle notebook: and verifying that the tests are all green. If they are not, please post in Narwhals Discord so they can be fixed up.
  2. Copy/fixup the release notes: go to, click "edit" on the latest (draft) release notes. If anything needs fixing up (e.g. adding missing labels to closed pull requests), you can do so now. Once you're done, copy all the content, and paste it somewhere. You'll need this later.
  3. Make sure that bump-version branch doesn't appear in - if it does, delete it.
  4. Make a new bump-version branch: git checkout -b bump-version
  5. Run python utils/ patch. Replace 'patch' with either 'minor' or 'major', depending on by how much you want to bump the version. In general:
    • If you're doing a scheduled Monday release, use 'minor'
    • If you're doing an emergency mid-week release to patch a serious issue, use 'patch'
  6. Open a pull request from bump-version to main. To do this, go to, click "new pull request", and open a pull request from bump-version to main. Set the "release" label.
  7. Wait a few minutes, until a new release appears in with empty release notes. Its title will be something like v1.30.0.
  8. Go to the latest release in (the one without any release notes). You should see something like "Narwhals Unreleased" in draft (with full release notes), and something like v1.30.0 as published (without any release notes). Copy the "Narwhals Unreleased" release notes into the v1.30.0 release notes, and amend the title to be of the form "Narhwals v<version goes here>", e.g. Narwhals v1.30.0. Do not click "publish" on the "Narwhals Unreleased" notes. You should instead see a button that says "Update release notes" - press that.
  9. After you've updated the release notes, merge the PR from bump-version to main.

NOTE: if you see a message like bypassed rule violations, don't worry about it - we block people from creating tags (as they trigger releases) so if you see it, it's because you have permission to bypass that rule 😇

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