A Discord bot and optional web service to manage roll playing sessions for a highly customized version of the White Wolf series of TTRPGs. This project is not affiliated with White Wolf or Paradox Interactive.
- Character creation and management
- Campaign management
- Dice rolling
- Storyteller tools
- Other niceties such as:
- Optional Web UI
- Github integration
- Image uploads
- Statistic tracking
- And more!
Major differences from the games published by White Wolf are:
- Dice are rolled as a single pool of D10s with a set difficulty. The number of success determines the outcome of the roll.
< 0
successes: Botch0
successes: Failure> 0
successes: Success> dice pool
successes: Critical success
- Rolled ones count as
success - Rolled tens count as
successes - Rolled ones and tens cancel each other out
Cool points
are additional rewards worth10xp
To play with traditional rules I strongly recommend you use Inconnu Bot instead.
For more information on the features and functionality, see the User Guide
Before running Valentina, the following must be configured or installed.
Discord Bot
- Docker and Docker Compose
- A valid Discord Bot token. Instructions for this can be found on Discord's Developer Portal
Web UI (Optional)
- A Redis instance for caching. This can be run locally or in a cloud service.
- Discord OAuth credentials for the bot. Instructions for this can be found on Discord's Developer Portal
- Ability to run the Docker container on a public IP address or domain name. This is outside the scope of this document.
Image Uploads (Optional)
To allow image uploads, an AWS S3 bucket must be configured with appropriate permissions. Instructions for this can be found on the [AWS Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/creating-bucket.html)-
Public must be able to read objects from the bucket
An IAM role must be created with read/write/list access and the credentials added to the environment variables.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "GetBucketLocation", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["s3:GetBucketLocation"], "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::Bucket-Name"] }, { "Sid": "ListObjectsInBucket", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["s3:ListBucket"], "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::Bucket-Name"] }, { "Sid": "AllObjectActions", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*Object", "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::Bucket-Name/*"] } ] }
- Enter the virtual environment with
source .venv/bin/activate
- Confirm the app is configured correctly
- Run
valentina --help
to see the available options - Run
valentina [options]
to run the bot
- Copy the
file to a directory on your machine - Edit the
file- In the
section replace/path/to/data
with the directory to hold persistent storage - In the
section add correct values to each environment variable.
- In the
- Run
docker compose up
Settings for Valentina are controlled by environment variables. The following is a list of the available variables and their default values.
Variable | Default Value | Usage |
VALENTINA_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Access key for AWS (Optional: Only needed for image uploads) | |
VALENTINA_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Secret access key for AWS (Optional: Only needed for image uploads) | |
VALENTINA_S3_BUCKET_NAME | Name of the S3 bucket to use (Optional: Only needed for image uploads) | |
VALENTINA_DISCORD_TOKEN | Sets the Discord bot token. This is required to run the bot. | |
VALENTINA_GUILDS | Sets the Discord guilds the bot is allowed to join. This is a comma separated string of guild IDs. | |
VALENTINA_LOG_FILE | /valentina/valentina.log |
Sets the file to write logs to. Note, this is the directory used within the Docker container |
Sets master log level. One of TRACE , DEBUG , INFO , WARNING , ERROR , CRITICAL |
Sets the log level for AWS S3. One of TRACE , DEBUG , INFO , WARNING , ERROR , CRITICAL |
Sets the log level for discord HTTP, gateway, webhook,client events. One of TRACE , DEBUG , INFO , WARNING , ERROR , CRITICAL |
Sets the log level for PyMongo. One of DEBUG , INFO , WARNING , ERROR , CRITICAL |
VALENTINA_OWNER_CHANNELS | Sets the Discord channels that are allowed to run bot admin commands. This is a comma separated string of Discord channel IDs. | |
VALENTINA_OWNER_IDS | Sets the Discord user IDs that are allowed to run bot admin commands. This is a comma separated string of Discord user IDs. | |
VALENTINA_MONGO_URI | mongodb://localhost:27017 |
Production MongoDB URI |
Production Database name |
VALENTINA_GITHUB_REPO | Optional: Sets the Github repo to use for Github integration username/repo |
VALENTINA_GITHUB_TOKEN | Optional: Sets the Github API Access token to use for Github integration | |
Optional: Enables the web UI. Set to true to enable. |
Set the host IP for the web UI. Note: when running in Docker this should always be |
Set the port for the web UI. |
Sets the log level for the web UI. One of TRACE , DEBUG , INFO , WARNING , ERROR , CRITICAL |
Base URL for the web service. |
Enables debug mode for the web UI. Set to true to enable. |
Sets the IP and port for the Redis instance |
VALENTINA_REDIS_PASSWORD | Optional: Sets the password for the Redis instance | |
VALENTINA_WEBUI_SECRET_KEY | Sets the secret key for the web UI. This is required to run the web UI. | |
VALENTINA_DISCORD_OAUTH_SECRET | Sets the secret for the Discord OAuth. This is required to run the web UI. | |
VALENTINA_DISCORD_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID | Sets the ID for the Discord OAuth. This is required to run the web UI. | |
Set to true if the web UI is behind a reverse proxy. |
VALENTINA_WEBUI_ACCESS_LOG | /valentina/access.log |
Sets the file to write access logs to. Note, this is the directory used within the Docker container |
VALENTINA_CLOUDFLARE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN | Optional: Enable Cloudflare Web Analytics by setting this to your Cloudflare Web Analytics token | |
VALENTINA_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID | Optional: Enable Google Analytics by setting this to your Google Analytics ID |
See the CONTRIBUTING.md file for more information on how to contribute to Valentina.