This is a Masters-level course taught by Grant McDermott at the University of Oregon. It is a condensed version of a related course (with some additions) that I teach at the PhD level.
Please read the syllabus first. This will detail software requirements and installation, and give you a better sense of the aims and scope of the course.
Notes: While I have provided PDF versions of (at least some of) the lectures, they are best viewed in the original HTML format. Video recordings of the lecture are only available to enrolled students.
- Introduction [.html | .pdf | .Rmd | Videos]
- Version control with Git(Hub) [.html | .pdf | .Rmd | Videos]
- Learning to love the shell [.html | .pdf | .Rmd | Videos]
- Data wrangling & cleaning: 1) Tidyverse [.html | .pdf | .Rmd | Videos]
- Data wrangling & cleaning: 2) data.table [.html | .pdf | .Rmd ]
- Big data I/O
- Webscraping: (1) Server-side & CSS [.html | .pdf | .Rmd | Videos]
- Webscraping: (2) Server-side & APIs [.html | .pdf | .Rmd | Videos]
- Functions in R: (1) Introductory concepts [.html | .pdf | .Rmd | Videos]
- Functions in R: (2) Advanced concepts [.html | .pdf | .Rmd | Videos]
- Parallel programming [.html | .pdf | .Rmd | Videos]