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CustomCatalog plugin:

License: GPL v3

Lisez-moi ReadMe

With this plugin, you can create your own layers tree from multiple versions and multiple sources.

How to use :


Go to plugin Settings

1. Create new setting

N.B. : a setting can contain many catalogs but during development, it seemed easier to have only one catalog per setting. So one setting = one catalog.

  • Click to Add button
  • Define a Name. ⚠️️ Required !
  • Choose setting Type : json, PostgreSQL or SQLite
    • With json - you can open or create a new json file. You can also define an URL but it's read-only, Edit button will be disabled.
    • With PostgreSQL - click connect button and a new dialog window opens. Select the table which contains catalogs. Select NEW TABLE to create a new table in database. The table name will be catalogs. Be careful, the setting name must exist otherwise a new record with Name, defined in settings dialog, will be created in table.
    • With SQLite - idem PostgreSQL
  • Choose an Auth Id to connect to database (Only for PostgreSQL and SQLite). Connection dialog don't send username and password, or authentication id, when you use existing connection.

You can add or create as many settings as you want.

2. Edit catalog

  • Select one record in settings dialog
  • Click to Edit button.
  • A new dialog opens:
    • Right-click on the catalog name to create a node or a layer
    • A node is a folder which contains sub-node(s) or layer(s). Double-click on the name to edit them.
    • A layer contains at least one version. Double-click on the name to edit them and select the geometry type (Geom type).
      • A version contains at least one format. Default name is New version but you can double-click to edit them. The Name column is automaticaly modified with the Version column, it's only to read easily the tree.
        • A format is defined by layer link. Choose a format in combobox and click to the browse button (...). The Name column is automaticaly modified with the Format column, it's only to read easily the tree.
          • WFS, WMS, WMTS : Add url with version value in Link column. Then, click on browse button (...). Plugin try to find layers. Select layer and the full url will be send in Link column. Example :
          • Spatialite, Oracle, PostGIS: You don't need to edit Link column. Click on browse button (...) to open connection dialog. Connection dialog don't send username and password, or authentication id, when you use existing connection. So, choose an Auth Id which will be saved otherwise user will have to define username and password in prompt dialog. You can also define username and password in Link column. ⚠️️ QGIS 3.18+ needed to open Oracle database with createConnection method (commit).
            • Example 1 : dbname='mydb' port=5432 table="myschema"."mytable" (geom)
            • Example 2 : service='myservice' table="myschema"."mytable" (geom)
            • Example 3 : dbname='mydb' port=5432 user='myusername' password='mypassword' table="myschema"."mytable" (geom)
          • QLR, GPKG, SHP : You don't need to edit Link column. Click on browse button (...) to open the OpenFileDialog. With GPKG format, plugin try to find layers. Select one.

Plugin diagram

Add a layer to canvas

  • Click on CustomCatalog plugin icon
  • A dock widget appears.
  • Find your layer, select a version then select a format.
  • Double-click on the layer name to add them to the canvas.