nnl function allows to extrapolate SpatialLinesDataFrame A to a SpatialLinesDataFrame B by finding nearest neighbors lines. It create points along two SpatialLinesDataFrames and it find nearest points. Then, statistics are use to select nearest lines.
Install package with devtools :
Just use nnl::nnl()
l_A is the original SpatialLinesDataFrame
l_B is a SpatialLinesDataFrame where you want to extrapolate l_A
id_l_A an id_l_B are columns names contain unique values (IDs)
in progress
in progress
With shp_me, DCE river on Seine-Normandie.
Large SpatialLinesDataFrame (1651 elements, 10.3 Mb)
With shp_topo, BD topo V2 on Seine-Normandie
Large SpatialLinesDataFrame (295908 elements, 626.1 Mb)
Start nnl() function:
system.time(test <- nnl::nnl(l_A = shp_me, l_B = shp_topo, id_l_A = "CdMasseDEa", id_l_B = "ID",verbose = T))
Function responses :
CRS Comparaison
Projection test
Filter l_B
Create points to l_A
5163216 points created
Create points to l_B
8210254 points created
Find nearest points
8210254 points attached
Select nearest lines : Step 1
55643 lines found
Select nearest lines : Step 2
2345 lines found
Aggregate result
Select nearest l_B
Add IDs
Compare length result with l_A length
Result :
Large SpatialLinesDataFrame (58092 elements, 152.9 Mb)
Time result :
utilisateur système écoulé
122.21 7.05 256.55
4 min 16 sec*
* time with i7-7500U CPU (2C4T) and 16Go RAM