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QWC GlobalConfigGenerator

Generates config file tenantConfig.json for each tenant.

GlobalConfigGenerator is based on jsonmerge package.


Create a GlobalConfigGenerator config file globalConfig.json (see below).


Example globalConfig.json:

  "$schema": "",
  "service": "global-config-generator",
  "config": {
    "config_generator_service_url": "http://qwc-config-service:9090"
  "common_config": {
    "config-generator-service": {
      "$schema": "",
      "service": "config-generator",
      "config": {
        "default_qgis_server_url": "http://qwc-qgis-server/ows/",
        "config_db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb",
        "permissions_default_allow": true,
        "qgis_projects_base_dir": "/data/default",
        "qgis_projects_scan_base_dir": "/data/default/scan",
        "qgis_projects_gen_base_dir": "/data/default/gen",
        "qwc2_base_dir": "/qwc2"
      "themesConfig": {},
      "services": []
    "qwc2config": {
      "searchServiceUrl": "http://localhost:5011/",
      "searchDataServiceUrl": "http://localhost:5011/geom/",
      "editServiceUrl": "http://localhost:5012/"
  "specific_configs": [
      "tenant": "default"
      "tenant": "test",
      "config-generator-service": {
        "themesConfig": {
          "defaultMapCrs": "EPSG:2154"
      "qwc2config": {
        "searchServiceUrl": "http://localhost:50020/"

What GlobalConfigGenerator do ?

GlobalConfigGenerator steps to create tenantConfig.json

  1. GlobalConfigGenerator read each tenant name in specific_configs key.
  2. GlobalConfigGenerator take data of config-generator-service sub-key in common_config key.
  3. For each tenant GlobalConfigGenerator read data of config-generator-service sub-key in specific_configs key.
  4. GlobalConfigGenerator apply merge strategy for each similar keys between common_config key and specific_configs key
  5. GlobalConfigGenerator export tenantConfig.json file in tenant directory.

GlobalConfigGenerator steps to create QWC2 config.json

  1. GlobalConfigGenerator read each tenant name in specific_configs key.
  2. GlobalConfigGenerator take data of qwc2config sub-key in common_config key.
  3. For each tenant GlobalConfigGenerator read data of qwc2config sub-key in specific_configs key.
  4. GlobalConfigGenerator apply merge strategy for each similar keys between common_config key and specific_configs key
  5. GlobalConfigGenerator export config.json file in tenant directory.

GlobalConfigGenerator steps to create QWC2 index.html

  1. GlobalConfigGenerator read each tenant name in specific_configs key.
  2. GlobalConfigGenerator read and copy index.html in each tenant directory

GlobalConfigGenerator rules

GlobalConfigGenerator use JSON schema specification to specify the merge strategy.

For config-generator-service

Merge schema used is merge_schema_for_config_generator.json

Default strategy:

  • All items in services key are merged by name key.
  • All items in items key are appended.
  • All items in defaultBackgroundLayers key are appended.
  • All items in defaultSearchProviders key are appended.

For qwc2config

Merge schema used is merge_schema_for_qwc2_config.json

Default strategy:

  • No strategy used

Use template to add tenant name

GlobalConfigGenerator use a template value to add tenant fo each value in globalConfig.json file. Add %tenant% value in common configuration.

%tenant% will be replaced by tenant name for each item in specific configuration. Then, GlobalConfigGenerator apply schema rules.

What should I do ?

  1. Create a globalConfig.json file in root of config-in directory.
    1. Add data to common_config key.

      1. Add data to config-generator-service key.
        Read qwc-config-generator-service description to see all data which can be added.

      2. Add data to qwc2config key
        Read QWC2 application configuration description and config.json file to see all data which can be added.

    2. Add data to specific_configs key

      One tenant name is minimal requirement. you can add this data :

        "tenant": "default"

      Add all subkeys you want to add or modify in config-generator-service key or qwc2config key.

      You should respect json tree!! Add all parents keys before the specific key you want to modify.

      Exemple : If you want to modify defaultMapCrs key in a tenant, you should add themesConfig parent key like:

        "tenant": "TheTenantNameIWantToModify",
        "config-generator-service": {
          "themesConfig": {
            "defaultMapCrs": "EPSG:2154"
  2. Create an index.html file in root of config-in directory.
    Use default index.html file or create yours.



Set the INPUT_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the base directory where for the configuration files are that should be read by the ConfigGenerator (default: config-in/).

NOTE: the ConfigGenerator's docker user (www-data) needs to have write permissions to the directory defined in INPUT_CONFIG_PATH!

Base URL:


Generate configs for all tenant:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:5010/generate_configs?"


Create a virtual environment:

virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 --system-site-package .venv

Activate virtual environment:

source .venv/bin/activate

Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set the INPUT_CONFIG_PATH environment variable (default: config-in).

export INPUT_CONFIG_PATH=../qwc-docker/volumes/config-in

Configure environment:

echo FLASK_ENV=development >.flaskenv

Start local service:



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