This project is a one dimensional adaptation of the classic arcade game "Missile Command"
The original game:
A demo of this project:
##The Rules:
- The game consists of a 3 x 8 array of LEDs and 3 buttons
- "Bombs" fall from the top of each column
- Pressing a button will send a "missile" shooting up one of the columns
- When a missile meets a bomb, both the missile and the bomb are removed from play
- The speed at which bombs are generated increases as the game goes on
- If a bomb to reaches the bottom of a column, the column is removed from play
- When all columns are removed from play, the game ends
- The object of the game is to play as long as possible
##How it works:
- Each row is hooked up to one pin
- Each column hooked up to one pin
- The program iterates through the columns fast enough that it seems constant
###The Buttons:
- Pressing a button will trigger an interrupt
- All buttons are hooked up to the same analog pin
- Each button has a different resistor
- Using the voltage at the analog pin, the button pressed can be determined
- All buttons are connected to an OR gate to ensure that only one button can be pressed at a time