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A Python module for creation, validation, and transformation of EPC representations as defined in GS1's EPC Tag Data Standard.


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A Python module for creation, validation, and transformation of EPC representations as defined in GS1's EPC Tag Data Standard (

Table of contents


  • Python >= 3.8


pip install epcpy

Scheme types

Every scheme is an instance of the EPCScheme class, which allows scheme initialization using a constructor which accepts a EPC pure identity such as urn:epc:id:sgtin:00000950.01093.Serial or using the class method from_epc_uri. Aside from this base class, schemes can also be instances of the GS1Keyed, GS1Element and/or TagEncodable classes. These provide the following methods:


  • constructor
  • from_epc_uri

GS1Element / GS1Keyed

  • from_gs1_element_string
  • gs1_element_string
  • gs1_key (if GS1Keyed)


  • from_binary
  • from_hex
  • from_base64
  • from_tag_uri
  • binary
  • hex
  • base64
  • tag_uri

An example highlighting the different options for the SGTIN scheme can be found later in this document .

Available schemes

Scheme GS1 element GS1 keyed Tag encodable
ADI ✔️
CPI ✔️ ✔️
GDTI ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
GIAI ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
GID ✔️
GINC ✔️ ✔️
GRAI ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
GSIN ✔️ ✔️
GSRN ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
GSRNP ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ITIP ✔️ ✔️
LGTIN ✔️ ✔️
PGLN ✔️ ✔️
SGCN ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
SGLN ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
SGTIN ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
SSCC ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Generic parsers

The following generic parser functions are available

  • base64_to_tag_encodable
  • binary_to_tag_encodable
  • hex_to_tag_encodable
  • tag_uri_to_tag_encodable
  • epc_pure_identity_to_gs1_element
  • epc_pure_identity_to_gs1_element_string
  • epc_pure_identity_to_gs1_key
  • epc_pure_identity_to_gs1_keyed
  • epc_pure_identity_to_scheme
  • epc_pure_identity_to_tag_encodable
  • get_gs1_key

Example usage


Pure identity

Given an SGTIN in EPC URI representation, urn:epc:id:sgtin:00000950.01093.Serial, an epcpy SGTIN object can be created as follows

from epcpy.epc_schemes import SGTIN

sgtin = SGTIN.from_epc_uri("urn:epc:id:sgtin:00000950.01093.Serial")

# Alternatively
sgtin = SGTIN("urn:epc:id:sgtin:00000950.01093.Serial")

# urn:epc:id:sgtin:00000950.01093.Serial


Since SGTIN is GS1Keyed, several elements can be derived using

# (01)00000095010939(21)Serial

# 00000095010939

from epcpy.epc_schemes.sgtin import GTIN_TYPE
sgtin.gs1_key(gtin_type=GTIN_TYPE.GTIN8) # GTIN14 is the default
# 95010939

Additionaly, an SGTIN can also be constructed from a GS1 element string if a company prefix length is provided

SGTIN.from_gs1_element_string("(01)00000095010939(21)Serial", company_prefix_length=8)

Tag encoded

With some additional information an SGTIN can be encoded into a tag, subsequently the tag can for example be represented as tag uri, hexadecimal, base64 or binary string

sgtin.tag_uri(binary_coding_scheme=SGTIN.BinaryCodingScheme.SGTIN_198, filter_value=SGTINFilterValue.POS_ITEM)
# urn:epc:tag:sgtin-198:1.00000950.01093.Serial

sgtin.hex(binary_coding_scheme=SGTIN.BinaryCodingScheme.SGTIN_198, filter_value=SGTINFilterValue.POS_ITEM)
# 36300001DB011169E5E5A70EC000000000000000000000000000

sgtin.base64(binary_coding_scheme=SGTIN.BinaryCodingScheme.SGTIN_198, filter_value=SGTINFilterValue.POS_ITEM)

sgtin.binary(binary_coding_scheme=SGTIN.BinaryCodingScheme.SGTIN_198, filter_value=SGTINFilterValue.POS_ITEM)
# 001101100011000000000000000000...

Similary, given a SGTIN tag in hex 36300001DB011169E5E5A70EC000000000000000000000000000, an SGTIN can be constructed


# from_binary, from_base64 and from_tag_uri are available as well

Generic parsing

When dealing with arbitrary tags epcpy also provides generic parsing options.

from epcpy import hex_to_epc


The following parsers are available:

  • base64_to_tag_encodable
  • binary_to_tag_encodable
  • epc_pure_identity_to_gs1_element
  • epc_pure_identity_to_gs1_element_string
  • epc_pure_identity_to_gs1_key
  • epc_pure_identity_to_gs1_keyed
  • epc_pure_identity_to_scheme
  • epc_pure_identity_to_tag_encodable
  • hex_to_tag_encodable
  • tag_uri_to_tag_encodable

Alternatively, the get_gs1_key method can be used to distill the GS1 key from a given string.

from epcpy import get_gs1_key

# 00000095010939

# 00000095010939

# 00000095010939

get_gs1_key is able to parse the following sources:

  • EPC pure identity URIs
  • EPC tag URIs
  • GS1 element strings (company_prefix_length should be provided)
  • EPC id pattern URIs
  • Binary strings
  • Hexadecimal strings


Especially when applying generic parsing, exceptions may be thrown when passing invalid data. One can import the ConvertException class to specially deal with exceptions thrown by this library:

from epcpy import ConvertException, get_gs1_key

except ConvertException as e:
  # Could not create valid scheme from given id pat


This project uses Poetry for project management. Poetry must be installed and available in $PATH. After cloning run poetry install to install (development) dependencies.


This module uses the Python unittest library. Run poetry run test for running the tests.


Run poetry run coverage run -m unittest discover to execute all tests with coverage. The resulting coverage can be reported using poetry run coverage report --omit="*/test*" for a textual view the terminal and with poetry run coverage html --omit="*/test*" for a webpage.


There is a sample notebook included in this repository, which can be used to quickly get a hands-on experience with the repository. The notebook might not be completely up-to-date and requires the jupyter package to run, which can be installed using pip install jupyter.