Firestorm is a free client for 3D virtual worlds such as Second Life and various OpenSim worlds where users can create, connect and chat with others from around the world. This repository contains the official source code for the Firestorm viewer.
Firestorm is a third party viewer derived from the official Second Life client. The client codebase has been open source since 2007 and is available under the LGPL license.
Pre-built versions of the viewer releases for Windows, Mac and Linux can be downloaded from the official website.
Build instructions for each operating system can be found in the official wiki.
Please note that we do not provide support for compiling the viewer or issues resulting from using a self-compiled viewer. However, there is a self-compilers group within Second Life that can be joined to ask questions related to compiling the viewer: Firestorm Self Compilers
Help make Firestorm better! You can get involved with improvements by filing bugs and suggesting enhancements via JIRA or creating pull requests.