Undergarden_Portal_Guide Public
ZenScript (for CraftTweaker, a Minecraft mod) to add a "quest" that instructs the player how to build the Undergarden portal, as there is no in-game instruction otherwise. Hard-depends on The Under…
ZenScript MIT License UpdatedMay 8, 2022 -
The-Undergarden Public
Forked from quek04/undergardenRepository for the Undergarden, a Minecraft dimension mod. Fix portal generation to not be hard-coded as Stone Bricks. (quek04/The-Undergarden#114)
Java MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2022 -
Fancy-Prompt Public
Gives you a fancy prompt with colors. Pieces can be changed without altering the prompt as a whole.
1 CreatedApr 2, 2012