A simple Discord bot built to help track turnip trading prices in our Discord.
This bot is designed to work with the spreadsheet template found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rGmFX-gAUonAG1CSAZ_pF3tMbvbuSuB9Dx_xaVXiSSw/edit#gid=836261684
To start using this bot, you'll need to create a bot through Discord's developer portal. Create a file named ".env" and put "DISCORD_TOKEN=[yourtoken]" in the file.
After your token is set up, you need to follow Step 1 of Google's Node.js
quickstart guide found here:
https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/nodejs. This will give you
the credentials file needed to continue. Place it in config/credentials.json
Then, copy config/config.example.js
to config/config.js
and fill it out as necessary. You will need to duplicate the spreadsheet linked above and set it up for your server.
Once the config file is all set, you can run the bot. On your first run, you will get a link that you need to follow so the bot can fully authorize with Google. Running it in the future will not require the same process.
- Prepare the config directory as described above. It should have a
and acredentials.json
when you are done. - Download the image
docker pull netpro2k/stalk-trading-bot
- Run it, specifying your config directory and
as appropriate
docker run -v /local/path/to/config/:/var/app/config -e DISCORD_TOKEN="YOUR_DISCORD_TOKEN" netpro2k/stalk-trading-bot