[2.1.0] - Ravensburg - 2020-03-05
[2.1.0] - Ravensburg - 2020-03-05
Added Support for automated tests using GitHub Actions , replacing travis
#40 , #231 - Added genotyping capability through GATK UnifiedGenotyper (v3.5), GATK HaplotypeCaller (v4.1) and FreeBayes
Added MultiVCFAnalyzer module
#240 - Added human sex determination module
#226 - Added --preserve5p
function for AdapterRemoval
#212 - Added ability to use only mergedreads downstream from Adapterremoval
#265 - Adjusted full markdown linting in Travis CI
#247 - Added nuclear contamination with angsd
#258 - Added ability to report bedtools stats to features (e.g. depth/breadth of annotated genes)
#249 - Added metagenomic classification of unmapped reads with MALT and aDNA authentication with MaltExtract
#302 - Added mitochondrial to nuclear ratio calculation
#302 - Added VCF2Genome for concensus sequence generation
Fancy new logo from ZandraFagernas
#286 - Adds pipeline-specific profiles (loaded from nf-core configs)
#310 - Generalises base.config
#326 - Add Biopython and xopen dependencies
#336 - Change default Y-axis maximum value of DamageProfiler to 30% to match popular (but slower) mapDamage, and allow user to set their own value.
#352 - Add social preview image
#355 - Add Kraken2 metagenomics classifier
#90 - Added endogenous DNA calculator (original repository: )
#227 - Large re-write of input/output process logic to allow maximum flexibility. Originally to address #227 , but further expanded
Fixed to migration issues
#266 - Added sanity checks for input filetypes (i.e. only BAM files can be supplied if --bam
#237 - Fixed and Updated script scrape_software_versions
#322 - Move extract map reads fastq compression to pigz
#327 - Speed up strip_input_fastq process and make it more robust
#342 - Updated to match nf-core tools 1.8 linting guidelines
#339 - Converted unnecessary zcat + gzip to just cat for a performance boost
#344 - Fixed pipeline still trying to run when using old nextflow version
adapterremoval=2.2.2 upgraded to 2.3.1
adapterremovalfixprefix=0.0.4 upgraded to 0.0.5
damageprofiler=0.4.3 upgraded to 0.4.9
angsd=0.923 upgraded to 0.931
gatk4= upgraded to
mtnucratio=0.5 upgraded to 0.6
conda-forge::markdown=3.1.1 upgraded to 3.2.1
bioconda::fastqc=0.11.8 upgraded to 0.11.9
bioconda::picard=2.21.4 upgraded to 2.22.0
bioconda::bedtools=2.29.0 upgraded to 2.29.2
pysam=0.15.3 upgraded to 0.15.4
conda-forge::pandas=1.0.0 upgraded to 1.0.1
bioconda::freebayes=1.3.1 upgraded to 1.3.2
conda-forge::biopython=1.75 upgraded to 1.76
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