Intro to Python - by the Data Science RAP team
This repository currently contains 7 workshops for introducing users to Python, from a very basic level.
Workshop 1: Python on the Terminal
A markdown document with instructions on how to run python on the terminal. Includes learning on:
- Using Python to do maths
- Printing to terminal
- Storing variables
- Types
- String Manipulation
- F-strings
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
Workshop 2: Notebooks, Conditions and Loops
Includes learning on:
- Recap of workshop 1
- Notebooks
- Conditional Logic
- Loops
And homework to reinforce these concepts.
Workshop 3: Functions and imports
Includes learning on:
- Recap of workshop 2
- Functions
- Importing files
Workshop 4: Intro to Data Manipulation
Choose Pyspark or Pandas! Includes learning on:
- Starting a spark session
- Displaying data
- Simple PySpark/pandas methods
Workshop 5: Intro to python-docx
Includes learning on:
- Dictionaries in python
- How to create a docx file
- How to access an existing docx file
- How to replace placeholder values with variables
Workshop 6: Unit Testing
Includes learning on:
- Why testing is important
- How to use pytest to automate unit tests
Workshop 7: Refactoring
Includes learning on:
- What refactoring is and why it's important
- How you can easily rework your code to improve it
Workshop 8: Editing Excel files with openpyxl
Includes learning on:
- How to load Excel templates and edit them with Python
- How to insert DataFrames into Excel spreadsheets