This is a custom build based on PHP 8.4's Alpine docker image, with changes to make Laravel back-end testing easily possible.
This image includes:
- PHP 8.4 with
installed - Packages:
- Composer also comes pre-installed
For the latest list of inclusion, see the Dockerfile.
In order to build and then test the container:
docker buildx build . --platform linux/amd64 -t nicoverbruggen/php84-alpine \
&& docker run -it nicoverbruggen/php84-alpine sh
You may omit the --platform
flag if you wish to build a container for your own architecture, but there may be issues with dependencies.
The automatically build the container and have it pushed, you must:
- Tag the commit you wish to build
- Create a new release with said tag
The Docker action will automatically build the release and push it under that tag to Docker Hub.
- main
image: nicoverbruggen/php84-alpine:latest
- cp .env
- cp .env.testing
- composer install
- npm install --silent
- npm run production
- touch ./database/tests.sqlite
- vendor/bin/pest --coverage --colors=never
You can find the image on Docker Hub here: