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Steps: Deploy Echo Bot on Azure

Nidhish edited this page Jul 31, 2019 · 21 revisions


1. Create and Test Echo Bot locally

2. Create Azure resources

3. Publish Bot to Azure

4. Test Echo Bot in Web Chat

Create and Test Echo Bot locally


  1. VS 2017 - New Project - Echo Bot (Bot Framework v4)

  2. Build & Run Project

  3. Test on emulator

Create Azure resources


  1. Go to Azure portal - Add new resource

  2. Create Web App Bot

  1. Azure Resources


App Service - Bot project code to be published in app service. This provides an endpoint to be consumed in Bot service.

Web App Bot - Microsoft App ID and password are configured here. Channel registration to be done here.

Publish Bot to Azure


  1. Web App Bot

  2. Web App Bot - Settings - Get Microsoft App ID

  3. Web App Bot - Get Microsoft App Password

  4. Update AppSettings.Json in Echo Bot Project

  5. Publish the Bot project

Test Echo Bot in Web Chat
