This application will be a microservice that will be providing both on live and on demand the data needed to make the investments.
To run this application with the correct python path, set:
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/home/nil/Documents/Projects/forecasting-app/injestion"
We will generate our gRPC connection inside of the proto folder. Once we have this, we will run the following compiler:
python -m grpc_tools.protoc \
-I ./proto \
--python_out ./proto \
--grpc_python_out ./proto \
Where we have the following parts:
- -I ./proto: where to look for the files that the proto buffer code imports
- --python_out ./proto: where to output the python files
- --grpc_python_out ./proto: where to output the python files
- ./proto/status.proto: file to the proto file that will be used to generate the python code. Where we will look for the .proto files imports. inside of the proto folder.