SLRail is a comprehensive Railway Management System that allows passengers to conveniently book trains and track their real-time locations. This system aims to enhance the overall experience of passengers by providing efficient booking services and up-to-date information on train movements.
- User-friendly Interface: Intuitive design for easy navigation and seamless user experience.
- Train Booking: Passengers can book trains online with ease.
- Real-time Train Tracking: Track the live location of trains for better planning.
- Reservation Management: Manage reservations efficently.
- User Authentication: Secure user authentication to protect passenger data.
- Admin Dashboard: An admin panel for managing trains, schedules, and user accounts.
- Responsive Design: Accessible on various devices for a flexible user experience.
- Special thanks to contributors and third-party libraries that made SLRail possible.
Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback. Happy coding!