Engineering of Pattern Recognition Based Movement Control and Clamping Forces Control System on Arm Robot Model
An ARM ROBOT is capable to do moving objects task. Most robot has an inefficient operating time because it requires an operator to input the destination coordinates. Beside of that, the biggest problem of ARM ROBOT is while the ARM ROBOT is doing the moving object task as it potentially damage the object when it is moved. Robot movement control system which has the capability of match pattern based object detection is required, so the robot is able to determine the destination coordinates automatically. It would also requires controlling clamping forces to avoid damage to the object. ARM ROBOT MODEL can represent industrial scale ARM ROBOT because they have similiar degree of freedom, and kinematics parameter. ARM ROBOT model control program is developed in LabVIEW 2011 software integrated with a 3.0 Megapixel resolution camera and SSC (Serial Servo Controller). The ARM ROBOT control program that has been created has successfully meet the expectations, the results show that the control system can detect a dark coloured and ball shaped objects automatically with average error in x axis = 3.144 mm and in y axis = 3.798 mm. accuration rate in x axis is 95,578 % and in y axis is 92,878 %. Gripping force is controled with overshoot value < 10%. Robot can move the object without deformed the object.