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Merge pull request deepmodeling#2 from Roy-Kid/devel
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KuangYu authored Feb 20, 2022
2 parents 3f4c59f + de26c42 commit 6956166
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dmff/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
import dmff.settings
353 changes: 353 additions & 0 deletions dmff/admp/
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import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import vmap, value_and_grad
from dmff.utils import jit_condition
from dmff.admp.spatial import pbc_shift
from dmff.admp.pme import setup_ewald_parameters
from dmff.admp.recip import generate_pme_recip, Ck_6, Ck_8, Ck_10
from dmff.admp.pairwise import distribute_scalar, distribute_v3, distribute_dispcoeff
from functools import partial

class ADMPDispPmeForce:
This is a convenient wrapper for dispersion PME calculations
It wrapps all the environment parameters of multipolar PME calculation
The so called "environment paramters" means parameters that do not need to be differentiable

def __init__(self, box, covalent_map, rc, ethresh, pmax):
self.covalent_map = covalent_map
self.rc = rc
self.ethresh = ethresh
self.pmax = pmax
# Need a different function for dispersion ??? Need tests
kappa, K1, K2, K3 = setup_ewald_parameters(rc, ethresh, box)
self.kappa = kappa
self.K1 = K1
self.K2 = K2
self.K3 = K3
self.pme_order = 6
# setup calculators

def generate_get_energy(self):
def get_energy(positions, box, pairs, c_list, mScales):
return energy_disp_pme(positions, box, pairs,
c_list, mScales, self.covalent_map,
self.kappa, self.K1, self.K2, self.K3, self.pmax,
self.d6_recip, self.d8_recip, self.d10_recip)
return get_energy

def update_env(self, attr, val):
Update the environment of the calculator
setattr(self, attr, val)

def refresh_calculators(self):
refresh the energy and force calculator according to the current environment
self.d6_recip = generate_pme_recip(Ck_6, self.kappa, True, self.pme_order, self.K1, self.K2, self.K3, 0)
if self.pmax >= 8:
self.d8_recip = generate_pme_recip(Ck_8, self.kappa, True, self.pme_order, self.K1, self.K2, self.K3, 0)
self.d8_recip = None
if self.pmax >= 10:
self.d10_recip = generate_pme_recip(Ck_10, self.kappa, True, self.pme_order, self.K1, self.K2, self.K3, 0)
self.d10_recip = None
# create the energy calculator according to PME environment
self.get_energy = self.generate_get_energy()
self.get_forces = value_and_grad(self.get_energy)

def energy_disp_pme(positions, box, pairs,
c_list, mScales, covalent_map,
kappa, K1, K2, K3, pmax,
recip_fn6, recip_fn8, recip_fn10):
Top level wrapper for dispersion pme
Na * 3: positions
3 * 3: box, axes arranged in row
Np * 2: interacting pair indices
Na * (pmax-4)/2: atomic dispersion coefficients
(Nexcl,): permanent multipole-multipole interaction exclusion scalings: 1-2, 1-3 ...
Na * Na: topological distances between atoms, if i, j are topologically distant, then covalent_map[i, j] == 0
function: the reciprocal calculator, see
float: kappa in A^-1
K1, K2, K3:
int: max K for reciprocal calculations
int array: maximal exponents (p) to compute, e.g., (6, 8, 10)
energy: total dispersion pme energy

ene_real = disp_pme_real(positions, box, pairs, c_list, mScales, covalent_map, kappa, pmax)

ene_recip = recip_fn6(positions, box, c_list[:, 0, jnp.newaxis])
if pmax >= 8:
ene_recip += recip_fn8(positions, box, c_list[:, 1, jnp.newaxis])
if pmax >= 10:
ene_recip += recip_fn10(positions, box, c_list[:, 2, jnp.newaxis])

ene_self = disp_pme_self(c_list, kappa, pmax)

return ene_real + ene_recip + ene_self

def disp_pme_real(positions, box, pairs,
mScales, covalent_map,
kappa, pmax):
This function calculates the dispersion real space energy
It expands the atomic parameters to pairwise parameters
Na * 3: positions
3 * 3: box, axes arranged in row
Np * 2: interacting pair indices
Na * (pmax-4)/2: atomic dispersion coefficients
(Nexcl,): permanent multipole-multipole interaction exclusion scalings: 1-2, 1-3 ...
Na * Na: topological distances between atoms, if i, j are topologically distant, then covalent_map[i, j] == 0
float: kappa in A^-1
int array: maximal exponents (p) to compute, e.g., (6, 8, 10)
ene: dispersion pme realspace energy

# expand pairwise parameters
pairs = pairs[pairs[:, 0] < pairs[:, 1]]

box_inv = jnp.linalg.inv(box)

ri = distribute_v3(positions, pairs[:, 0])
rj = distribute_v3(positions, pairs[:, 1])
# ri = positions[pairs[:, 0]]
# rj = positions[pairs[:, 1]]
nbonds = covalent_map[pairs[:, 0], pairs[:, 1]]
mscales = distribute_scalar(mScales, nbonds-1)
# mscales = mScales[nbonds-1]

ci = distribute_dispcoeff(c_list, pairs[:, 0])
cj = distribute_dispcoeff(c_list, pairs[:, 1])
# ci = c_list[pairs[:, 0], :]
# cj = c_list[pairs[:, 1], :]

ene_real = jnp.sum(disp_pme_real_kernel(ri, rj, ci, cj, box, box_inv, mscales, kappa, pmax))

return jnp.sum(ene_real)

@partial(vmap, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, 0, None, None, 0, None, None), out_axes=(0))
def disp_pme_real_kernel(ri, rj, ci, cj, box, box_inv, mscales, kappa, pmax):
The kernel to calculate the realspace dispersion energy
Np * 3: position i
Np * 3: position j
Np * (pmax-4)/2: dispersion coeffs of i, c6, c8, c10 etc
Np * (pmax-4)/2: dispersion coeffs of j, c6, c8, c10 etc
float: kappa
int: largest p in 1/r^p, assume starting from 6 with increment of 2
float: the dispersion pme energy
dr = ri - rj
dr = pbc_shift(dr, box, box_inv)
dr2 =, dr)
x2 = kappa * kappa * dr2
g = g_p(x2, pmax)
dr6 = dr2 * dr2 * dr2
ene = (mscales + g[0] - 1) * ci[0] * cj[0] / dr6
if pmax >= 8:
dr8 = dr6 * dr2
ene += (mscales + g[1] - 1) * ci[1] * cj[1] / dr8
if pmax >= 10:
dr10 = dr8 * dr2
ene += (mscales + g[2] - 1) * ci[2] * cj[2] / dr10
return ene

def g_p(x2, pmax):
Compute the g(x, p) function
float: the input variable
int: the maximal powers of dispersion, here we assume evenly spacing even powers starting from 6
e.g., (6,), (6, 8) or (6, 8, 10)
(p-4)//2: g(x, p)

x4 = x2 * x2
x8 = x4 * x4
exp_x2 = jnp.exp(-x2)
g6 = 1 + x2 + 0.5*x4
if pmax >= 8:
g8 = g6 + x4*x2/6
if pmax >= 10:
g10 = g8 + x8/24

if pmax == 6:
g = jnp.array([g6])
elif pmax == 8:
g = jnp.array([g6, g8])
elif pmax == 10:
g = jnp.array([g6, g8, g10])

return g * exp_x2

def disp_pme_self(c_list, kappa, pmax):
This function calculates the dispersion self energy
Na * 3: dispersion susceptibilities C_6, C_8, C_10
float: kappa used in dispersion
float: the self energy
E_6 = -kappa**6/12 * jnp.sum(c_list[:, 0]**2)
if pmax >= 8:
E_8 = -kappa**8/48 * jnp.sum(c_list[:, 1]**2)
if pmax >= 10:
E_10 = -kappa**10/240 * jnp.sum(c_list[:, 2]**2)
E = E_6
if pmax >= 8:
E += E_8
if pmax >= 10:
E += E_10
return E

# def validation(pdb):
# xml = 'mpidwater.xml'
# pdbinfo = read_pdb(pdb)
# serials = pdbinfo['serials']
# names = pdbinfo['names']
# resNames = pdbinfo['resNames']
# resSeqs = pdbinfo['resSeqs']
# positions = pdbinfo['positions']
# box = pdbinfo['box'] # a, b, c, α, β, γ
# charges = pdbinfo['charges']
# positions = jnp.asarray(positions)
# lx, ly, lz, _, _, _ = box
# box = jnp.eye(3)*jnp.array([lx, ly, lz])

# mScales = jnp.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
# pScales = jnp.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
# dScales = jnp.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])

# rc = 4 # in Angstrom
# ethresh = 1e-4

# n_atoms = len(serials)

# atomTemplate, residueTemplate = read_xml(xml)
# atomDicts, residueDicts = init_residues(serials, names, resNames, resSeqs, positions, charges, atomTemplate, residueTemplate)

# covalent_map = assemble_covalent(residueDicts, n_atoms)
# displacement_fn, shift_fn = space.periodic_general(box, fractional_coordinates=False)
# neighbor_list_fn = partition.neighbor_list(displacement_fn, box, rc, 0, format=partition.OrderedSparse)
# nbr = neighbor_list_fn.allocate(positions)
# pairs = nbr.idx.T

# pmax = 10
# kappa, K1, K2, K3 = setup_ewald_parameters(rc, ethresh, box)
# kappa = 0.657065221219616

# # construct the C list
# c_list = np.zeros((3,n_atoms))
# nmol=int(n_atoms/3)
# for i in range(nmol):
# a = i*3
# b = i*3+1
# c = i*3+2
# c_list[0][a]=37.19677405
# c_list[0][b]=7.6111103
# c_list[0][c]=7.6111103
# c_list[1][a]=85.26810658
# c_list[1][b]=11.90220148
# c_list[1][c]=11.90220148
# c_list[2][a]=134.44874488
# c_list[2][b]=15.05074749
# c_list[2][c]=15.05074749
# c_list = jnp.array(c_list.T)

# # Finish data preparation
# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # pme_order = 6
# # d6_recip = generate_pme_recip(Ck_6, kappa, True, pme_order, K1, K2, K3, 0)
# # d8_recip = generate_pme_recip(Ck_8, kappa, True, pme_order, K1, K2, K3, 0)
# # d10_recip = generate_pme_recip(Ck_10, kappa, True, pme_order, K1, K2, K3, 0)
# # disp_pme_recip_fns = [d6_recip, d8_recip, d10_recip]
# # energy_force_disp_pme = value_and_grad(energy_disp_pme)
# # e, f = energy_force_disp_pme(positions, box, pairs, c_list, mScales, covalent_map, kappa, K1, K2, K3, pmax, *disp_pme_recip_fns)
# # print('ok')
# # e, f = energy_force_disp_pme(positions, box, pairs, c_list, mScales, covalent_map, kappa, K1, K2, K3, pmax, *disp_pme_recip_fns)
# # print(e)

# disp_pme_force = ADMPDispPmeForce(box, covalent_map, rc, ethresh, pmax)
# disp_pme_force.update_env('kappa', 0.657065221219616)

# print(c_list[:4])
# E, F = disp_pme_force.get_forces(positions, box, pairs, c_list, mScales)
# print('ok')
# E, F = disp_pme_force.get_forces(positions, box, pairs, c_list, mScales)
# print(E)
# return

# # below is the validation code
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# validation(sys.argv[1])

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