see directory xrefgo for the version written in GO, threaded, less cpu use, no filter for hits,
xref-TLD is a cross platform domain cross ref. tool used to discover domains with different TDL and the same name.
Filter Option yes = blank lander pages, pages for sale, under constuction, or under 2.8kb in size are not seen as valid.
docker run -it torquetraction/xref-tld:latest
Bitcoin address bc1qnpjpacyl9sff6r4kfmn7c227ty9g50suhr0y9j
Ethereum address 0x94FcBab18E4c0b2FAf5050c0c11E056893134266
Litecoin address ltc1qu7ze2hlnkh440k37nrm4nhpv2dre7fl8xu0egx