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trevp edited this page Dec 15, 2016 · 24 revisions

Noise255 and Noise448

These are the default ciphersuites. They use ChaCha20/Poly1305 for authenticated encryption. For an elliptic curve, they use either Curve25519 (Noise255) or Goldilocks448 (Noise448).

Since ChaCha20/Poly1305 has high key agility every encryption operation replaces the key stored in the cipher context, for forward secrecy.

CC_LEN = 40
MAC_LEN = 16

  # Add zero bytes to pad to a multiple of 16, if it's not already.
  return data || zeros[(16 - (len(data) % 16)) % 16]

# Produce an authenticated encryption using a cipher context
# Update the cipher context
ENCRYPT(cc, plaintext, authtext):
  cipher_key = cc[0:32]
  iv = cc[32:40]
  keystream = ChaCha20(cipher_key, iv)[0:64 + len(plaintext)]
  ciphertext = plaintext XOR keystream[64:]
  to_be_authenticated = PAD16(authtext) || PAD16(ciphertext) || 
                        (uint64_little_endian)len(authtext) || 
  mac_key = keystream[0:32]
  mac = Poly1305(mac_key, to_be_authenticated)
  cc = ChaCha20(cipher_key, iv XOR 0xFF[8])[64:64 + CC_LEN]
  return (ciphertext || mac)

# Noise255
SUITE_NAME = "Noise255" || zeros[16]
DH_LEN = 32
DH(privkey, pubkey):
  return curve25519(privkey, pubkey)

# Noise448
SUITE_NAME = "Noise448" || zeros[16]
DH_LEN = 56
DH(privkey, pubkey):
  return goldilocks448(privkey, pubkey)

AES-GCM ciphersuites

Ciphersuites are also defined for using the 255-bit and 488-bit curves with AES128-GCM and AES256-GCM. Unlike the ChaCha20/Poly1305 ciphersuites, the symmetric key is not replaced during encryption.

# AES128-GCM
SUITE_NAME = "Noise255/AES128-GCM" || zeros[5]
SUITE_NAME = "Noise488/AES128-GCM" || zeros[5]

CC_LEN = 28
MAC_LEN = 16

# Produce an authenticated encryption using a cipher state
# Update the cipher state
ENCRYPT(cc, plaintext, authtext):
  cipher_key = cc[0:16]
  iv = cc[16:28]
  cc[20:28] = (uint64_bigendian)cc[20:28]+1
  return AES128-GCM(iv, authtext, plaintext)

SUITE_NAME = "Noise255/AES256-GCM" || zeros[5]
SUITE_NAME = "Noise488/AES256-GCM" || zeros[5]

CC_LEN = 44
MAC_LEN = 16

# Produce an authenticated encryption using a cipher state
# Update the cipher state
ENCRYPT(cc, plaintext, authtext):
  cipher_key = cc[0:32]
  iv = cc[32:44]
  cc[36:44] = (uint64_big_endian)cc[36:44]+1
  return AES256-GCM(iv, authtext, plaintext)


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