Some environmental sensors have been deployed on the field. There are various types of sensors (CO, Temperature, O3, SO2, Humidity, …). Sensors are housed in boxes, and a box contains one sensor of each kind. Boxes have been placed at various locations. The sensor data has been collected in a JSON file with the following schema:
"id": "Box-A1-O3", // UUID for this sensor reading
"box_id": "Box-A1", // UUID of the box
"sensor_type": "O3", // type of the sensor
"name": "Ozone", // type of data read by sensor
"range_l": 0, // measuring range lower bound
"range_u": 1000, // measuring range upper bound
"longitude": -0.06507, // location of the box (lon)
"latitude": 51.51885, // location of the box (lat)
"reading": 817, // actual value being read
"unit": "ppm", // measurement unit
"reading_ts": "2019-09-10T00:00:00" // when the reading was taken
The file can be found in the data/ directory
Write an Angular application which
- reads the records from the sensor_readings.json
- displays them in a tabular component (nothing too ugly)
- allows the user to sort data by time and sensor type
- allow user to enter new sensor data.
- allows the user to filter data by sensor type/name.
- plot a graph of sensor readings over time.
- allow user to see sensor location on a map(use any lib google maps, openStreetMaps, openLayers, etc).
- aggregate the data from all readings for the same sensor type, and compute the median of all its values. e.g
Box | Sensor Type | Median | Unit |
Box-A1-O3 | O3 | 321 | ppm |
Box-A1-TEMP | TEMP |
Please include with your submission:
- An explanation of any design decisions you've made (e.g. choice of libs, why you left parts out?, how you could improve this further, etc).
- A brief guide on how to run the project.