Cool One Liners at one place to make your recon and bug bounty skills better !
These one-liners are most useful when you are specifically focusing on one type of Vulnerability in a target. Every script enumerates Subdomains according to it's convience and gives you the best results.
Clone the Repository
git clone
Change file Permissions
chmod +x *.sh
Please set path for some tools in the scripts before using them.
Example :
Following tools are required to use the scripts :
Sublist3r , Assetfinder , Subfinder , waybackurls , gau , gf , nuclei , LinkFinder , SecretFinder , Oralyzer
Please set the path for following tools in the scripts - Sublist3r , LinkFinder , SecretFinder and Oralyzer.
Feel free to submit your one-liners / scripts for making Reconnaissance better.
Happy Hacking !