Page Tour is a small (~200K) JQuery based library for showing help/instructions on the page in a innovative and user friendly manner. This library can be used with any HTML page for (mobile/Desktop) to show Help/Instructions for the Page. OverlayInstruction is standalone feature which which can be used to show standalone instruction. Page Tour helps to combine several OverlayInstructions in a structured manner and provides the user a unique experience of reading help/instructions on the page. Can be used to provide a Tour of the page features.
####[ Might take a while to load. ~ 9Mb Gif :) ]
A picture = 1000 words :-)
###Getting started
Along with the OverlayInstructilons script you will have to add refrence to PageTour.js. Download the script & CSS files and reference them in your html page.
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.0.3.js"></script> <!--JQuery required-->
<link href="PageTour.min.js" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Required for Page Tour feature -->
###Creating a simple Page Tour
- Create a instance of PageTour Class.
var PageTourOnChalkboard = new PageTour("PageTour_On_ChalkBoard");
The pageTour constructor take the ID as argument. "ID" will the unique identifier for your PageTour. You can create multiple page tours with Same set of OverlayInstruction Widgets.
Say, you have following HTML elements on your page :
<input type="text" id="input1" value="some value" > </input>
<input type="text" id="input2" value="some value" > </input>
<input type="text" id="input3" value="some value" > </input>
Then to apply Overlay Instructions to these elements you have to do following :
- Create OverlayInstructions widgets and add to the PageTour
InstructionString:"Instruction title 1",
InstructionDetailsString:"<i> Instruction Text <i/>",
targetID:"input1" });
InstructionString:"Instruction title 2",
InstructionDetailsString:"<i> Instruction Text <i/>",
targetID:"input2" });
InstructionString:"Instruction title 3",
InstructionDetailsString:"<i> Instruction Text <i/>",
targetID:"input3" });
- Start the Tour
This will show the PageTour overlay on screen along with "Stop" - "Play" - "Next" - "Previous" navigation buttons at bottom of page.
###Methods provided by PageTour
Method_Name(Arguments) | Return Type | Description |
show() | void | Shows the PageTour overlay on the screen |
hide() | void | Hides the PageTour overlay |
play() | void | Starts the PageTour,Shows the Instruction on Screen |
pause() | void | Suspends the PageTour playback. hides the currently shown instruction |
stop() | void | Stops the playback,Hides the Pagetour Ocerlay & resets the control to 1st instruction |
jumpToNextInstruction() | void | Navigate to next Instruction in the sequence. |
jumpToPreviousInstruction() | void | Navigate to previous Instruction in the sequence. |
showInstruction(instructionID) | void | Show a particular instruction in PageTour based on its "InstructionID" |
getInstruction(instructionID) | OverlayInstructions | Returns a refrence to particular instruction (OverlayInstructions Object) in PageTour based on its "InstructionID" |
removeInstruction(instructionID) | void | Removes a particular instruction in PageTour based on its "InstructionID" |
addInstruction(params) | void | Adds a new instruction to PageTour. Refer OverlayInstructions class for "params" |
Is is also possible to show a standalone Overlay Instruction independent of the PageTour. Following section will guide you through.
For Eg.
How to use OverlayInstructions
###Getting started
Download the script & CSS files and reference them in your html page.
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.0.3.js"></script> <!--JQuery required-->
<link href="PageTour.min.js" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Required for Page Tour feature -->
If you are interested in customizing the styles/images of your Instructions you can make changes to ChalkBoard.css. Arrow images are included in a seperate folder which are required as well.
###Creating a simple Overlay Instruction
- Create a instance of OverlayInstructions Class.
var help_indicator = new OverlayInstructions({ID:"Help_Menu_link_help",
InstructionString:"Dont know how to navigate ??",
InstructionDetailsString:"<br/> Click the - Help - menu button ",
Also this overlayInstruction can be reused for a Page tour as well. For Eg.
var PageTourOnChalkboard = new PageTour("PageTour_On_ChalkBoard");
###Config Params OverlayInstructions constructor supports multiple config. options, Following is the listing :
Name | DataType | Default | Required | Description |
ID | String | - | YES | Unique ID of the Instruction Widget. |
InstructionString | String | - | Optional | Instruction Title Text to be rendered |
InstructionDetailsString | String | - | Optional | Instruction Detail Text to be rendered |
targetID | String | - | Optional | "ID" of the target HTML element for which the Instruction is displayed |
arrowImagePosition | String | "W" | Optional | [Primary position] String indication the direction that the arrow should point. Possible values [E,W,S,N,NE,NW,SE,SW] |
arrowImageURL | String (url) | - | Optional | URL of a custom image that should be rendered instead of default arrow image |
posX | Numeric (px or %) | - | Optional | default X-coordinate of the Instruction Block |
posY | Numeric (px or %) | - | Optional | default Y-coordinate of the Instruction Block |
arrowImageRotationAngle | Numeric | - | Optional | Rotation angle for the arrow image |
expandDetails | Bool | false | Optional | Boolean indicating whether to expand the Instruction Details by default |
additionalArrows | Array[] | - | Optional | Additional arrows to be shown on a instruction. Possible values ["E","W","S","N","NE","NW","SE","SW"] |
- Call the show() method.
- Done :)
###Methods provided by OverlayInstructions
Method_Name(Arguments) | Return Type | Description |
getID() | String | Returns ID of the Instruction Widget |
refreshInstructionBlockPosition() | void | Triggers the auto re-positioning of the Instruction widget. Can be used to force automatic re-positioning. |
setPosition(positionX, positionY) | void | Positions the Instruction Block at specified X,Y co-ordinates on the screen |
show() | void | Shows the Instruction on Screen |
hide() | void | Hides the Instruction on Screen |
showArrow(newArrowPosition, keepCurrentArrow) | void | Shows a arrow on instruction. "newArrowPosition" (Required) indicates the arrow to be shown "keepCurrentArrow" (Optional) bool indicates if to hide the previously shown arrow. Can be used to show multiple arrows per instruction Widget. |
setArrowImageRotationAngle(RotationAngle,arrowPosition) | void | Rotates the ArrowImage by spacified angle."RotationAngle" (numeric) Indicates the rotation angle & "arrowPosition" indicates the arrow which will be rotated.Empty will rotate default arrow . |
setArrowImage(arrowImageURL, arrowImagePosition) | void | sets a custom arrow image (arrowImageURL) on the specofied arrow position (arrowImagePosition) |
####Adding a event Listener
inst1.addEventListener("onOkClick",function() { /* Event Handler code */ });
Event | Description |
onInitialized | Triggered after OverlayInstruction Widget is initialized |
onShow | Triggered when OverlayInstruction Widget is shown on screen |
onHide | Triggered after OverlayInstruction Widget is hidden on screen |
onOkClick | Triggered when "OK" button is clicked on OverlayInstruction Widget |
- Code Re-Factoring [optimize]
- Transition Animations
- Mobile/Touch Friendly UI
- Few Bug fixes
- More simple Jquery style syntax. Eg. <button id="Save" O-InstructionText="Saves your file".....
- More Themes
- etc.....
Copyright 2014 Nozel Rosario
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.