Releases: oasis-tcs/openc2-jadn-im
CN03 Candidate (2025-02-19)
This CN03 candidate release:
- Adds additional introductory material regarding the motivation for and benefits of JADN
- Merges some CN02 content to reduce duplication
- Updates the CN content to better align with the in-progress JADN v2.0 specification
- Adds an example IM based on an existing JSON Schema
- Adds an example IM illustrating the new JADN v2.0 inheritance concepts
What's Changed
- update fig 3-3 to JADN v2 terminology by @dlemire60 in #85
- Sync working after resolving network issue by @dlemire60 in #86
- Example starting from JSON schema by @dlemire60 in #87
- Add "Why JADN?" content to Background intro paragraph by @dlemire60 in #88
- Consolidate 2.1 into 1.1.3 by @dlemire60 in #89
- V2 change summary by @dlemire60 in #90
- update Type & Fields options tables to v2 by @dlemire60 in #91
- Incorporated "Elevator speech" by @dlemire60 in #93
- Update Table 3-2 image and source by @dlemire60 in #94
- Table 3-2 image & source format consistency fix by @dlemire60 in #95
- V2 inheritance features by @dlemire60 in #92
- Tune-Up for CN03 document package by @dlemire60 in #96
- Technical corrections to PR #92 Inheritance material by @dlemire60 in #97
- Update string type options discussion by @dlemire60 in #98
- CN03 pre pub clean up by @dlemire60 in #100
Full Changelog: CN02-(draft)-2024-11-19...CN03-Draft-2025-02-19
CN02 Candidate (2024-11-19)
This CN02 candidate release reorganizes the CN presentation for better flow, integrates explanatory material transferred from the JADN Specification, adds an example of modeling from existing data structures (IPv4 packet header) and incorporates terminology changes from the in-development JADN v2.0 specification.
What's Changed
- Add editor, update parse figure by @davaya in #44
- Show datatypes in parse diagram by @davaya in #45
- Update abstract by @davaya in #49
- Principles by @davaya in #51
- primitive data types faq by @davaya in #52
- Minor updates to Music Library Database example by @dlemire60 in #53
- Reorganize introduction by @davaya in #55
- normalize JADN specification references format by @dlemire60 in #56
- move "defining information" to introduction by @davaya in #57
- Update JADN Type Definition Description (Sect 3.1 & subs) by @dlemire60 in #58
- Remove Kavi / add general SDO information needs by @dlemire60 in #60
- Section 3.1 Reformatting by @dlemire60 in #63
- Update Namespaces by @dlemire60 in #61
- Relocate "multiple representations" example by @dlemire60 in #65
- Restructure Section 3.1 by @dlemire60 in #66
- Update Section 3.1 numbering by @dlemire60 in #68
- refine key / link diagram (fig 4-1) by @dlemire60 in #70
- incorporate section 2 from JADN CS by @davaya in #71
- Develop IPv4 Packet Header model by @dlemire60 in #73
- Section 1 and 2 integration by @dlemire60 in #74
- Improve value / lexical space concept presentation by @dlemire60 in #76
- Move Section 4 content into Section 3.1 by @dlemire60 in #77
- update JADN type definition figures by @dlemire60 in #81
- Jadn-spec-pr91-alignment by @dlemire60 in #82
Full Changelog: CN01-WD03...CN02-(draft)-2024-11-19
WD03 for CN01 of the JADN-IM-CN
This release has updates to the example JADN models.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: CN01-WD02a...CN01-WD03
WD02 for CN01 of the JADN-IM-CN
This release is for the WD to be presented for approval at the April 2023 OpenC2 TC meeting for publication as CN01.
What's Changed
- Improve Background, Motivation, Terminology by @dlemire60 in #19
- Improve Type and Field option content by @dlemire60 in #20
- Add Serialization Discussion by @dlemire60 in #22
- More info on "format" option by @dlemire60 in #23
- Change entity to message by @davaya in #24
- Misc Editorial Changes by @dlemire60 in #25
- Section 1 and 2 updates by @dlemire60 in #26
- Section 3.1 Updates by @dlemire60 in #28
- Revise Section 3.2 by @dlemire60 in #29
- Revise section 3.3 by @dlemire60 in #30
- Populate Section 4 by @dlemire60 in #27
- Admin clean up by @dlemire60 in #31
- update date in sample reference by @dlemire60 in #33
- Minor fixes by @dlemire60 in #34
- Editorial CorrectionsWorking by @dlemire60 in #35
Full Changelog: CN01-WD01...CN01-WD02a
WD01 for CN01 of the JADN-IM-CN
The WD captures initial work for TC approval to publish as CDN01.
What's Changed
- Initial content for significant portions of the document by @dlemire60 in #8
- Capture On-Going Content Development by @dlemire60 in #9
- flesh out JADN representations example by @dlemire60 in #10
- Create Section 2 5: Applying an IM by @dlemire60 in #11
- Add music lib example by @dlemire60 in #12
- Add JADN Rules by @dlemire60 in #13
- JADN for MapOf description by @dlemire60 in #14
- Update Music Library Example by @dlemire60 in #15
- Containers by @davaya in #17
- Updates for WD01 by @dlemire60 in #18
New Contributors
- @dlemire60 made their first contribution in #1
- @davaya made their first contribution in #16
Full Changelog: