Install all dependencies
npm install
Creating Mongoose Schema
- Create your desired mongoose scheme in the Model Folder under app
Creating New Controller Class
- Create class extending the base KDController in the core folder
- Import created Mongoose Schema
- Pass the schema to the super class constructor
Adding New Controller to the Application
- Open app.controller.config.ts
- Import the newly created Controller
- Add to the list of export object
Creating Routes
- Open routes.json
- Follow the structure in the "configs" key to define new route
//Base URL for the current API
"base_url": "/api/v1/",
//List of Routes for the current base url
"configs": [
//Path to the current controller
"path": "post",
//controller name : Case Sensitive
"controller": "PostController",
/*List of methods that is handled
"request method name" : "function in the controller handing the request method"
Default Available Methods in the KDController
getOne - needs id as params
update - needs id as params
delete - needs id as params
"handlers": {
"GET": "get",
"POST": "create"
Open terminal and type
and enter to start dev server