This workflow converts simple snippets from Alfred to espanso and vice-versa. It allows also to append a bit of text (for instance from the clipboard history) to an existing snippet file in your espanso repository.
Install the workflow and add ~/Library/Application Support/espanso to Features > Default Results > Search Scopes in Alfred's preferences.
The workflow consists in three Universal Actions:
1. Convert snippets → espanso
Apply to an .alfredsnippet file (exported from Features > Snippets). This converts it to an espanso .yml file. You can then put this .yml file in ~/Library/Application Support/espanso.
2. Convert espanso → Alfred
Apply to an .yml espanso file This converts it to an .alfredsnippets file. You can then install it by double-cliking. If you hit command ⌘ before selecting this action, you will have the possibility to add an icon to this .alfredsnippet set.
Both these action work for simple (static, one-to-one) snippets
3. Append to an espanso file
Activate on a text (e.g. from the clipboard history). Activate this action and select a file from your ~/Library/Application Support/espanso/match folder. This will append the text at the end of the file, and open it (in your default app for .yml files, or with an app that you can choose), so that you can define the trigger.
The two python scripts and can be used directly in command line:
python3 [-h] [--icon ICON] espanso_file.yml
python3 [-h] alfredsnippet_file.alfredsnippets
This workflow was deeply inspired by:
- @davidoc's
- @alfredapp's snippet-transformer-workflow