HiGHS is a high performance serial and parallel solver for large scale sparse linear programming (LP) problems of the form
Minimize c^Tx subject to L <= Ax <= U; l <= x <= u
It is written in C++ with OpenMP directives, and has been developed and tested on various linux and Windows installations using both the GNU (g++) and Intel (icc) C++ compilers. Note that HiGHS requires (at least) version 4.9 of the GNU compiler. It has no third-party dependencies.
HiGHS is based on the dual revised simplex method implemented in HSOL, which was originally written by Qi Huangfu. Features such as presolve, crash and advanced basis start have been added by Julian Hall, Ivet Galabova. Other features, and interfaces to C, C#, FORTRAN, Julia and Python, have been written by Michael Feldmeier.
Although HiGHS is freely available under the MIT license, we would be pleased to learn about users' experience and give advice via email sent to [email protected].
Parallelizing the dual revised simplex method Q. Huangfu and J. A. J. Hall Mathematical Programming Computation, 10 (1), 119-142, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s12532-017-0130-5
The performance of HiGHS relative to some commercial and open-source simplex solvers may be assessed via the Mittelmann benchmarks on http://plato.asu.edu/ftp/lpsimp.html
The rest of this file gives brief documentation for HiGHS. Comprehensive documentation is available from https://www.highs.dev.
HiGHS uses CMake as build system. First setup a build folder and call CMake as follows
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Then compile the code using
This installs the executable bin/highs
The minimum CMake version required is 3.15.
To perform a quick test whether the compilation was successful, run
In the following discussion, the name of the executable file generated is
assumed to be highs
HiGHS can read plain text MPS files and LP files and the following command
solves the model in ml.mps
highs ml.mps
Usage: highs [OPTION...] [file]
--model_file arg File of model to solve.
--presolve arg Presolve: "choose" by default - "on"/"off" are alternatives.
--solver arg Solver: "choose" by default - "simplex"/"ipm"/"mip" are alternatives.
--parallel arg Parallel solve: "choose" by default - "on"/"off" are alternatives.
--time_limit arg Run time limit (double).
--options_file arg File containing HiGHS options.
-h, --help Print help.
There are HiGHS interfaces for C, C#, FORTRAN, Julia and Python in HiGHS/src/interfaces, with example driver files in HiGHS/examples. Documentation beyond what is in this file is "work in progress", but we expect to have some available before summer 2020. However, we are happy to give a reasonable level of support via email sent to [email protected].
At the moment the parallel option is temporarily unavailable due to a large refactoring in progress. This document will be updated once we have completed the interface currently being developed.
In order to use OpenMP if available, set-DOPENMP=ON
during the configuration
step (cmake ..
When compiled with the parallel option on, the number of threads used at run
time is the value of the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS
. For example,
to use HiGHS with eight threads to solve ml.mps
highs --parallel ml.mps
is not set, either because it has not been set or due to
executing the command
then all available threads will be used.
If run with OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
, HiGHS is serial. The --parallel
option will cause HiGHS to use serial minor iterations and, although this
could lead to better performance on some problems, performance will typically be
When compiled with the parallel option and OMP_NUM_THREADS>1
or unset, HiGHS
will use multiple threads. If OMP_NUM_THREADS
is unset, HiGHS will try to use
all available threads so performance may be very slow. Although the best value
will be problem and architecture dependent, OMP_NUM_THREADS=8
is typically a
good choice. Although HiGHS is slower when run in parallel than in serial for
some problems, it is typically faster in parallel.
HiGHS is compiled in a shared library. Running
make install
from the build folder installs the library in lib/
, as well as all header files in include/
. For a custom
installation in install_folder
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install_folder ..
and then
make install
To use the library from a CMake project use
and add the correct path to HIGHS_DIR.
An executable defined in the file use_highs.cpp
is linked with the HiGHS library as follows. After running the code above, compile and run with
g++ -o use_highs use_highs.cpp -I install_folder/include/ -L install_folder/lib/ -lhighs
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=install_folder/lib/ ./use_highs
Set custom options with -D<option>=<value>
during the configuration step (cmake ..
: path to GAMS system: enables building of GAMS interface
If build with GAMS interface, then HiGHS can be made available as solver in GAMS by adding an entry for HiGHS to the file gmscmpun.txt in the GAMS system folder (gmscmpnt.txt on Windows):
HIGHS 11 5 0001020304 1 0 2 LP RMIP
/path/to/libhighs.so his 1 1
: path to COIN-OR/Osi build/install folder (OSI_ROOT/lib/pkg-config/osi.pc should exist)