A Qdrant client, automatically generated by gRPCClient from the api proto files.
At the top level module (QdrantClients
) are just the gRPCClient
generated clients for the four exposed services (Collections, Points, Snapshots, Raft) in asynchronous and synchronous ("blocking") variants (see gRPCClient
readme for usage).
The actual service methods and parameters are defined inside the QdrantClients.qdrant
julia> import QdrantClients, gRPCClient
julia> client = QdrantClients.PointsBlockingClient("")
julia> countPoints = QdrantClients.qdrant.CountPoints(collection_name="my-collection");
julia> res, task = QdrantClients.qdrant.Count(client, countPoints);
julia> @assert gRPCClient.gRPCCheck(task)
julia> @info Int(res.result.count)
[ Info: 1033531