A small Crawler Written in Go to retrieve the Site Map of any domain
Why O? Just because my name starts with O, nothing special 😊.
Go 1.8^
...Adds colour to the output of the program
- golang.org/x/net/html ...Parses HTML documents
To download and install the libraries just type on the CLI
$ go get github.com/beego/bee/logger/colors
$ go get golang.org/x/net/html
Don't forget to setup your GOPATH environment variable!
To build the source code go to the working directory and just type
$ go build
This will generate the executable file
To run simply execute the file that was generated after the build in this case OCrawler
The first variable is the domain to crawl, without http/https at the beginning and without any URI, even without a single slash /
The second variable is the maximum depth on when crawling, this will set a threshold on how many levels more want to crawl, a good number should be 1 or 2.
The third variable is how many processes you want to have alive at the same time while the execution is in progress. A good rule of thumb is to use the number of threads your computer has.
$ ./OCrawler [domain] [depth] [max processes]
$ ./OCrawler golang.org 2 8
The tree has 3 main colours
- Blue: new discovered links
- Magenta: Already discovered links
- Green: Assets
Developed by Omar Contreras [email protected]