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This repository contains datasets of experimental observables and code for preparing, running, and analyzing benchmarks for OpenFF protein force fields.


This repository is still under development and should not be used for production results. To install the development version, clone this repository and then run conda env create -f devtools/conda-envs/proteinbenchmark.yaml conda activate proteinbenchmark pip install -e . in the top level directory.


To use this package, create an instance of the ProteinBenchmarkSystem class. A benchmark system for the pentaalanine peptide using the Amber ff14SB force field and TIP3P water looks like this.

from proteinbenchmark import (ProteinBenchmarkSystem,

benchmark_system = ProteinBenchmarkSystem(

result_directory is the directory path to store results. Output will be written to the subdirectory {result_directory}/{target_name}-{force_field_name}.

Once constructed, set up the benchmark system by calling benchmark_system.setup(). This function will:

  • Build initial coordinates according to the entries in the target_parameters dictionary (see below)
  • Solvate the system in a rhombic dodecahedron of water and add Na+ and Cl- ions
  • Parametrize the solvated system with the force field and water model
  • Write an OpenMM system to an XML file
  • Perform an energy minimization

The output of the setup() function will be written to {result_directory}/{target_name}-{force_field_name}/setup.

If the system setup finished correctly, run equilibration and production simulations for by calling benchmark_system.run_simulations(). Additional replicas can be run by passing an integer to the replica keyword argument, e.g. benchmark_system.run_simulations(replica=2). The output of the run_simulations()function will be written to{result_directory}/{target_name}-{force_field_name}/replica-{replica}`. If the job running this command is interrupted, it will resume from a binary checkpoint file written by default every 10 ns.

After the production simulations are finished, analyze the trajectories by calling `benchmark_system.analyze_observables(replica={replica}). This function will always:

  • Produce a new trajectory with solvent atoms stripped and solute atoms aligned to the initial coordinates
  • Measure backbone dihedrals, sidechain dihedrals, and tau angles for each residue
  • Measure hydrogen bond geometries If the target_parameters dictionary contains an entry with the key observables, then specific functions to estimate each observable will also be called. Currently, the following observables are implemented:
  • scalar_couplings: NMR three-bond scalar couplings
  • h_bond_scalar_couplings: NMR interresidue hydrogen bond scalar couplings

The output of the analyze_observables() function will be writen to {result_directory}/{target_name}-{force_field_name}/analysis.

Force fields

Force fields are defined by a name and a file path for the force field and a name and optionally a file path for a water model. Force field files distributed in this repository are located in proteinbenchmark/data/force-fields. Sample force field and water model combinations are included in a dictionary available as the top-level import force_fields. For example, the dictionary for the Amber ff14SB force field with TIP3P water looks like

{"ff14sb-tip3p: {"force_field_file": "/path/to/proteinbenchmark/data/force-fields/nerenberg_ff14sb_c0ala_c0gly_c0val.xml",
                 "water_model": "tip3p",
                 "water_model_file": "amber/tip3p_standard.xml"}}

Benchmark targets

Benchmark targets are defined by a dictionary that must be passed to the target parameters argument of the ProteinBenchmarkSystem constructor. Sample benchmark targets are included in a dictionary available as the top-level import benchmark_targets. For example, the dictionary for the pentaalanine peptide target system looks like

{"ala5": {"target_type": "peptide",
          "aa_sequence": "AAAAA",
          "pressure": Quantity(value=1.0, unit=atomsphere),
          "temperature": Quantity(300.0, unit=kelvin),
          "ph": 2.0,
          "ionic_strength": Quantity(value=0.0, unit=molar),
          "observables": {"scalar_couplings": {"experimental_datasets": "graf_jacs_2007",
                                               "observable_path" : "/path/to/proteinbenchmark/data/observables/ala5/ala5_scalar_couplings.dat"}}}}

The target_parameters dictionary must contain entries for pressure, temperature, ph, ionic_strength, one of aa_sequence or initial_pdb, and one of target_type or traj_length. If initial_pdb is present, the initial coordinates will be built from a PDB file located at this file path. Otherwise, a peptide will be built with the sequence aa_sequence. If building from sequence, backbone dihedrals will be initialized to 180 deg if build_method entry is "extended" and to values in an ideal alpha helix if build_method is "helical". Capped termini can be included with entries nterm_cap set to "ace" and cterm_cap set to "nme" or "nh2". For both building from a PDB and building from sequence, protomers of titratable groups, including uncapped termini, will be set according to the pH and the initial conformer using pmx and pdb2pqr.

target_type can be one of "peptide", "folded", or "disordered" and is used to set default simulation parameters. If target_type is absent, traj_length must be set to an openmm.unit.Quantity with units of time.

observables contains a dictionary of experimental observables available for this benchmark target. Datasets of experimental observables distributed in this repository are included in proteinbenchmark/data/observables.

Other possible entries to the target_parameters dictionary are:

  • solvent_padding: minimum distance between solute and edge of solvent box
  • nonbonded_cutoff: nonbonded force cutoff distance for non-SMIRNOFF force fields
  • vdw_switch_width: distance from nonbonded_cutoff at which the switching function is turned on for non-SMIRNOFF force fields
  • restraint_energy_constant: energy constant for restraints on non-hydrogen solute atoms during energy minimization
  • equil_langevin_friction: collision frequency for Langevin integrator during equilibration simulation
  • equil_barostat_frequency: number of steps between attempted volume changes for Monte Carlo barostat during equilibration simulation
  • equil_time_step: Time step for Langevin integrator during equilibration simulation
  • equil_traj_length: Total simulation time for equilibration simulation
  • equil_frame_length: Time between state data and trajectory reports during equilibration simulation
  • langevin_friction: collision frequency for Langevin integrator during production simulation
  • barostat_frequency: number of steps between attempted volume changes for Monte Carlo barostat during production simulation
  • time_step: Time step for Langevin integrator during production simulation
  • traj_length: Total simulation time for production simulation
  • frame_length: Time between state data and trajectory reports during production simulation
  • checkpoint_length: Time between binary checkpoint reports during production simulation
  • save_state_length: Time between writes to serialized state XML during production simulation

If these values are not present in the target_parameters dictionary, then default values will be used from proteinbenchmark/simulation_parameters.


Copyright (c) 2022, Open Force Field Initiative, Chapin E. Cavender


Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.6.