A package is available in AUR.
If there is a problem with the package, please report it on the mailing-list. Please do not report issue with packages on Paperwork's bugtracker. It is not possible to assign issues to package maintainer on the bugtracker.
See the Fedora or Debian installation guides for reference.
Once installed, please run paperwork-shell chkdeps paperwork_backend
and paperwork-shell chkdeps paperwork
to make sure all the required
depencies are installed.
You can run paperwork-shell install
to add a Paperwork entry
in the menus of your desktop.
If you used "paperwork-shell install", a shortcut should be available in the menus of your window manager (you may have to log out first).
You can also start Paperwork by running the command 'paperwork'.
Enjoy :-)