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11 repositories
Public template👔 Create single page application with this friendly Svelte boilerplate made with typescript and love. Perfect for your web/pwa, electron or cordova projectsvelte-electron-boilerplate
Public template🧬 Create a desktop app with this user-friendly Svelte boilerplate for electronnode-cli-boilerplate
Public template🪓 Create node cli with this user friendly boilerplatenode-telegram-bot-boilerplate
Public template🤖 Create telegram bot with this friendly nodejs boilerplatenode-module-boilerplate
Public template🧰 Create your npm library with this user friendly boilerplate. Use this respository as template for your new node library/modulesvelte-webcomponent-boilerplate
Public template🏗 Create your HTML5 Web Component with Svelte. Made your web components with this user-friendly boilerplatenode-discord-bot-boilerplate
Public template🤖 Create discord bot with this friendly nodejs boilerplatesvelte-cordova-boilerplate
Public template📱 Create a mobile app with this friendly Svelte boilerplate for apache cordova. Made easy your android app and ios appsvelte-game-boilerplate
Public template🕹 Create canvas html5 game with this friendly kaboom boilerplate made with typescript and lovesvelte-kit-ssr-boilerplate
Public template🧵 Svelte server-side-rendering built with SEO in mind. Start your project with this friendly svelte kit boilerplatesvelte-express-boilerplate
Public template🚂 Svelte server-side-rendering application built with SEO in mind. Start your project with this friendly svelte + expressjs boilerplate