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Network Neighbourhood Clustering
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## ## README for Network Neighbourhood Clustering (NetNC) software ## ## Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 ## you should have recieved a copy of the GNU General Public License ## with the NetNC software in the file LICENSE.txt ## if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ## ## QUICK START GUIDE ## 1) Ensure the dependencies are installed: a. Perl - Math::Pari b. R c. Python - networkx 1.8 and numpy 2) Edit the paths at the top of NetNC_v2pt2.pl (the relevant lines have comments # EDIT THIS ...) 3) Run the NetNC_v2pt2.pl script with relevant options, the two main modes are given below. a. 'FTI' analysis mode: NetNC_v2pt2.pl -n MyNetwork.txt -i NodeList.txt -o /path/to/my/outdir/fileprefix -F The final output (an edge list) will be in the file: /path/to/my/outdir/fileprefix.FDRthresholded_mincutDensity0pt306_noDoublets.txt b. 'FBT' analysis mode: NetNC_v2pt2.pl -n MyNetwork.txt -i NodeList.txt -o /path/to/my/outdir/fileprefix -M The final output as a node list will be located at: /path/to/my/outdir/fileprefix_NFCS-mixturemodel.coherentNodes Additionally, a network from the coherent nodes in the above file and where edges have bonferroni corrected -log(p)<=0.05 is output to: /path/to/my/outdir/fileprefix_NFCS-mixturemodel.coherentNet.txt Please see further details below. ## ## INTRODUCTION ## In this README, the usage and testing sections provide examples of some ways to run NetNC and its components. The testing section also includes description of output files. The final two sections summarise contributors and how to cite NetNC. The NetNC distribution includes three main components: 1) Network Neighbourhood Clustering - NetNC_v2pt2.pl This program runs Network Neighbourhood Clustering and optionally calls the components below according to the command-line options supplied. Requires the perl module Math::Pari After installation (see below), run 'perl NetNC_v2pt2.pl -h' for further details. Files in the modules/ directory provide functions for NetNC_v2pt2.pl 2) Iterative minimum cut - itercut.py (see directory mincut/ ) The script mincut/itercut.py iteratively cuts edges using weighted min-cut max-flow algorithm with a graph density stopping criterion. Further details are given in mincut/MinCut_README.txt 3) Node centric analysis with Gaussian mixture modelling The script FCS.pl generates a Node Functional Coherence Scores (NFCS) which are the sum of node edge weight(s) normalised by degree. The script mixtureModelling/NetNCmixmodel.R runs Gaussian mixture modelling on NFCS values, then processes the results to infer functionally coherent nodes and estimate the proportion of noise; mixtureModelling/netNCmix.R provides functions for the NetNCmixmodel.R script. A little more detail is given in the usage section, below. ## ## INSTALLATION ## 1. Network Neighbourhood clustering - NetNC_v2pt2.pl a) The arbitary precision calculations require the perl module Math::Pari. Install this from cpan (www.cpan.org). For example from the command line: cpan install Math::Pari b) In the NetNC_v2pt2.pl edit the 'use lib' statements to include: i) the path to Math::Pari (typically this will be where cpan installs perl modules) and ii) the full path to the NetNC modules/ (this is the 'modules' directory created when you unzipped the NetNC distribution). Also edit the $path_to_R and $NetNC_home variables to specify the path to your R installation and the NetNC home directory (this is the location of NetNC_v2pt2.pl and FCS.pl scripts) The lines to edit in NetNC_v2pt2.pl are indicated with comments near to the start of the script. NetNC has been tested with perl v5.16, v5.18, v5.20 and v5.26 2. Iterative Minimum cut - itercut.py Install the dependencies: networkx 1.8 and numpy For example: easy_install networkx==1.8 easy_install numpy (itercut.py is verified to work with networkx 1.8. Earlier versions are not compatible) More information is given in mincut/MinCut_README.txt 3. The Gaussian mixture modelling requires R to be installed and has been tested with R versions 3.0.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.0, 3.3.1, 3.6.3 on Linux, but is expected to work on Mac OSX, Windows and with other recent versions of R. ## ## USAGE ## 1. NetNC NetNC can be run with many possible combinations of options, here are some illustrative examples: -- Functional Target Identification mode (calls itercut.py): NetNC_v2pt2.pl -n MyNetwork.txt -i NodeList.txt -o /path/to/my/outdir/fileprefix -F -- Pathway Identification mode (calls itercut.py) and Node-Centric Analysis (including Gaussian Mixture Modelling) also specifying a background list for resampling (e.g. detected genes from a microarray experiment): NetNC_v2pt2.pl -n MyNetwork.txt -i NodeList.txt -o /path/to/my/outdir/fileprefix -E -M -l /path/to/backgroundGenelist.txt -- Node centric analysis (including Gaussian Mixture Modelling) and using background negative log p-values generated from a previous run of NetNC: NetNC_v2pt2.pl -n MyNetwork.txt -i NodeList.txt -o /path/to/my/outdir/fileprefix -M -p /path/to/my/outdir/fileprefix.BG.nlPonly.txt -z [resample_number] Where -z [resample_number] indicates the number of resamples used in generating the list of -log p-values provided using the -p option (with suffix '.BG.nlPonly.txt') A help message is produced by running: NetNC_v2pt2.pl -h 2. Iterative minimum cut The iterative minimum cut is (optionally) called by NetNC_v2pt2.pl If you wish to run the iterative minimum cut as a stand-alone program, the basic usage is: python minCut/itercut.py -i graphfile.txt -o cutgraph.txt -t 0.3 Note that -t gives the density stopping criterion, a value other than 0.3 may be used. The itercut.py help message is produced by running: python minCut/itercut.py 3. Node-centric analysis with Gaussian mixture modelling Node-centric analysis is intended to be (optionally) called by NetNC_v2pt2.pl This subsection describes components of the analysis that may be called separately. The script FCS.pl takes as input the genelist and the file written by NetNC with the suffix ".FG.id1_id2_nlp.txt". For example: FCS.pl input_genelist NetNC_results.FG.id1_id2_nlp.txt FCS_outputFile.txt FCS.pl output has the format: Node edgePvalueSum degree degree-normalised_edgePvalueSum Gaussian mixture modelling can be run with the NetNCmixmodel.R script as follows: R --slave --no-save --args FCS_output.txt output_file NetNC_home_directory < NetNC_home_directory/mixtureModelling/NetNCmixmodel.R The 'NetNC_home_directory' is the directory where NetNC_v2pt2.pl and FCS.pl are located. NetNCmixmodel.R runs mixture modelling on the NFCS scores written by FCS.pl and seeks to identify a NFCS threshold to define 'noise' nodes. If a unimodal model is returned, a tiny Gaussian noise component is added to NFCS=0 values and mixture modelling is rerun (the .log file details which analyses were run). The output file with suffix '.coherentNodes' includes nodes scoring above the NFCS threshold value determined by this procedure (please the manuscript methods section for further details). Of course functions in netNCmix.R may also be called directly. 4. A note on networks for use with NetNC NetNC requires a network as input, provided using the -n option. This network defines the context for the analysis, providing the structure that enables NetNC to discover relationships within the input node list. Network nodes may be genes and the input list should be a subset of the nodes in the network. NetNC might be usefully applied to any network and input list across various complexity science application domains (biology, economics, social sciences, telecommuincations, geography etc.). An example network for use with NetNC is DroFN, which is available from: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/files/S-BSST460/DroFN.zip . DroFN is described in the citation at the end of this README. A further example network is described in Overton et al. BMC Systems Biology 5, Article number: 68 (2011) and is available from the link below: https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1186%2F1752-0509-5-68/MediaObjects/12918_2010_685_MOESM3_ESM.ZIP ## ## TESTING THE INSTALLATION AND EXAMPLE OUTPUT ## The directory 'test/' includes data to enable you to test that NetNC is working correctly. 1. The tests may be run as follows (from the netNC/ directory): a) Network Neighbourhood Clustering (NNC) NetNC_v2pt2.pl -i test/test_genelist.txt -n test/network/test_net.txt -o test/output/NNConly/NNCz10 -z 10 This usually runs in less than one minute. Please note: the above command runs 10 resamples (-z 10); however, at least 100 resamples are recommended for general use (more samples enable greater precision for estimation of pFDR). b) Node-centric Analysis mode: NetNC_v2pt2.pl -n test/network/test_net.txt -i test/test_genelist.txt -o test/output/NodeCentric/NodeCent_z10 -M -p test/output/NNConly/NNCz10.BG.nlPonly.txt -z 10 Typically takes less than three minutes to complete. This command is also an example of using the background p-value distribution generated in test a) above, with the -p option; however it is not neccessary to do so for Node-centric analysis. If using the -p option it is also important to specify the number of resamples taken (-z option) so that pFDR estimation is correct; if -z is not specified, the default number of resamples (100) is assumed and a warning message is issued. c) Functional Target Identification mode: NetNC_v2pt2.pl -n test/network/test_net.txt -i test/test_genelist.txt -o test/output/FTI/FTIz10 -z 10 -F Runtime is around 15 minutes. This mode calculates NNC and runs the iterative minimum cut, applying pFDR and network density thresholds optimised for the Functional Target Identification (FTI) task. d) Pathway Identification mode and node-centric analysis: NetNC_v2pt2.pl -n test/network/test_net.txt -i test/test_genelist.txt -o test/output/PID/PID_NodeCent_z10 -z10 -E -M -l test/test_background_genelist.txt Usually takes about 15 minutes to compute. This mode calculates NNC and runs the iterative minimum cut, applying pFDR and network density thresholds optimised for the Pathway Identification (PID) task. This command also includes an example of using the -l option to specify a background node list for the resampling procedure (e.g. detected genes from a microarray experiment). Please note that to ensure correct estimation of pFDR the node list given to NetNC with the -i option should be a subset of the background list provided in the -l option; At present, no warning is given by NetNC if the -i (input) node list is not a subset of the -l (background) node list. e) Iterative minimum cut in standalone mode: python mincut/itercut.py -i test/output/NNConly/NNCz10.FDRthresholded_pairs.txt -o test/output/mincutOnly/NNCz10_FDR0pt1_mincutThresh0pt1.txt -t 0.1 Runtime is usually 10 minutes. This command depends on test a) above having successfully completed. 2. Example output for the tests a) through e), above, are given in subdirectories of test/exampleOutput. Please note that there might be differences between the example output and the output of the tests below - due to variation introduced by the resampling procedure. Subsections below summarise files provided in the example output directories: a) test/exampleOutput/NNConly NNCz10.FG.id1_id2_nlp.txt - The Network Neighbourhood Clustering p-values for the subnetwork induced by test_genelist.txt in test_net.txt Format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) NNCz10_10_resamples.txt - Resampled nodes taken for empirical estimation of pFDR. Each resample begins with the following header: '### [resample number]' Where [resample number] is an integer. The -z 10 option will produce 10 headers (numbered from 0 to 9). The list of resampled nodes is given below each header. NNCz10.BG.nlPonly.txt - List of -log p-values for the networks induced by all resampling from test_net.txt, which provides the empirical null distribution for pFDR estimation. (No headers are given in this file). NNCz10.minSignif_nlP.log - Reports the NNC -log(p-value) estimated to match the pFDR threshold. Also records the number of resamples taken for pFDR estimation. NNCz10.FDRthresholded_pairs.txt - Network of edges that meet the pFDR threshold (default 0.1). Format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) NNCz10.FDR.txt - The mapping between NNC score and pFDR. Format: NNC_score pFDR b) test/exampleOutput/NodeCentric NodeCent_z10.FG.id1_id2_nlp.txt - The Network Neighbourhood Clustering p-values for the subnetwork induced by test_genelist.txt in test_net.txt Format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) NodeCent_z10.minSignif_nlP.log - Reports the NNC -log(p-value) estimated to match the pFDR threshold. Also records the number of resamples taken for pFDR estimation. NodeCent_z10.FDRthresholded_pairs.txt - Network of edges that meet the pFDR threshold (default 0.1). Format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) NodeCent_z10.FDR.txt - The mapping between NNC score and pFDR. Format: NNC_score pFDR NodeCent_z10.FCS.txt - Node Functional Coherence Score (NFCS) values calculated by FCS.pl. Format: Node edgePvalueSum degree NFCS (NFCS is the sum of -log(p-values) normalised by degree) NodeCent_z10_NFCS-mixturemodel.txt - Describes the Gaussian mixture model fitted to the NFCS distribution using Expectation-Maximisation and model selection with Bayesian Information Criterion regularisation. NodeCent_z10_NFCS-mixturemodel.log - Indicates the NFCS threshold determined from analysis of the Gaussian mixture modelling, and summarises the steps taken in determining the threshold value. NodeCent_z10_NFCS-mixturemodel.coherentNodes - List of nodes that pass the NFCS threshold and so classed as functionally coherent. NodeCent_z10_NFCS-mixturemodel_coherentNet.txt - Network where nodes are coherent in the mixture modelling analysis and edges have bonferroni-corrected -log(p)<=0.05 c) test/exampleOutput/FTI/ FTIz10.FG.id1_id2_nlp.txt - The Network Neighbourhood Clustering p-values for the subnetwork induced by test_genelist.txt in test_net.txt Format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) FTIz10_10_resamples.txt - Resampled nodes taken for estimation of pFDR. Each resample begins with the header: '### [resample number]' Where [resample number] is an integer. The -z 10 option will produce 10 headers (numbered from 0 to 9). The list of resampled nodes is given below each header. FTIz10.BG.nlPonly.txt - List of -log p-values for the networks induced by all resampling from test_net.txt, which provides the null distribution for empirical estimation of pFDR. There are no headers in this file. FTIz10.minSignif_nlP.log - Reports the NNC -log(p-value) estimated to match the pFDR threshold. Also records the number of resamples taken for pFDR estimation. FTIz10.FDRthresholded_pairs.txt - Network of edges that meet the pFDR threshold (default 0.1). Format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) FTIz10.FDR.txt - The mapping between NNC score and pFDR. Format: NNC_score pFDR FTIz10.FDRthresholded_mincutDensity0pt306.txt - Edges passing the pFDR and minimum cut density thresholds for Functional Target Identification. Format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) FTIz10.FDRthresholded_mincutDensity0pt306_noDoublets.txt - Final NetNC output corresponding to the data used in benchmarking. Edges pass the pFDR and minimum cut density thresholds for FTI and any two-node components are deleted. d) test/exampleOutput/PID/ PID_NodeCent_z10.FG.id1_id2_nlp.txt - Network Neighbourhood Clustering p-values for the subnetwork induced by test_genelist.txt in test_net.txt. Format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) PID_NodeCent_z10_10_resamples.txt - Resampled nodes taken for estimation of pFDR. Each resample begins with the header: '### [resample number]' Where [resample number] is an integer. The -z 10 option will produce 10 headers (numbered from 0 to 9). The list of resampled nodes is given below each header. PID_NodeCent_z10.BG.nlPonly.txt - List of -log p-values for the networks induced by all resampling from test_net.txt, which provides the null distribution for empirical estimation of pFDR. There are no headers in this file. PID_NodeCent_z10.minSignif_nlP.log - Reports the -log(p-value) estimated to match the NNC pFDR threshold. Also records the number of resamples taken for pFDR estimation. PID_NodeCent_z10.FDRthresholded_pairs.txt - Network of edges that meet the pFDR threshold (default 0.1). Format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) PID_NodeCent_z10.FDR.txt - The mapping between NNC score and pFDR. Format: NNC_score pFDR PID_NodeCent_z10.FCS.txt - Node Functional Coherence Score (NFCS) values calculated by FCS.pl. Format: Node edgePvalueSum degree NFCS (NFCS is the sum of -log(p-values) normalised by degree) PID_NodeCent_z10_NFCS-mixturemodel.txt - Describes the Gaussian mixture model fitted to the NFCS distribution using Expectation-Maximisation and model selection with Bayesian Information Criterion regularisation. PID_NodeCent_z10_NFCS-mixturemodel.log - Indicates the NFCS threshold determined from analysis of the Gaussian mixture modelling, and summarises the steps taken in determining the threshold value. PID_NodeCent_z10_NFCS-mixturemodel.coherentNodes - List of nodes that pass the NFCS threshold and so classed as functionally coherent. PID_NodeCent_z10_NFCS-mixturemodel_coherentNet.txt - Network where nodes are coherent in the mixture modelling analysis and edges have bonferroni-corrected -log(p)<=0.05 PID_NodeCent_z10.FDRthresholded_mincutDensity0pt5044.txt - Edges passing the pFDR and minimum cut density thresholds for Pathway Identification. File format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) PID_NodeCent_z10.FDRthresholded_mincutDensity0pt5044_noDoublets.txt - Edges passing the pFDR and minimum cut density thresholds for Pathway Identification; two node components are delete. File format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) e) test/exampleOutput/mincutOnly/ NNCz10_FDR0pt1_mincutThresh0pt1.txt - The network of edges passing the minimum cut density stopping criterion (0.1 in this example). These edges also pass the NNC pFDR threshold of 0.1 which was applied by NetNC prior to running the minimum cut algorithm in stand-alone mode. Format: nodeID1 nodeID2 -log(p-value) (-log(p-value) previously calculated by NetNC). ## ## Contributors and contact ## The NetNC software distribution was developed by Ian Overton, Jeremy Owen (iterative minimum cut) and Alex Lubbock (Gaussian Mixture Modelling). NetNC is maintained by Ian Overton, who can be reached at: first_name_initial* dot overton at qub dot ac dot uk * substitute with i Also see: go.qub.ac.uk/IanOverton ## ## Citing NetNC ## If you use any of the code in this NetNC software distribution please cite: Overton IM, Sims A, Owen JA, Heale B, Ford M, Lubbock ALR, Pairo-Castineira E, Essafi E (2020).'Functional Transcription Factor Target Networks Illuminate Control of Epithelial Remodelling'. Cancers 12, 2823 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers12102823
Network Neighbourhood Clustering
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