Query API for the Tezos blockchain
To build this project git clone it and run:
docker build -t conseil .
The Container can be configured using the following environment variables:
Database Config:
- DB_Host - default: db
- DB_User - default: user
- DB_Password - default: password
- DB_Database: default: conseil
Tezos Node Config:
- XTZ_Scheme - http or https, default : http
- XTZ_Host - default: node
- XTZ_Prefix - prefix for api calls, default: ""
- XTZ_Port - default 8732
- XTZ_Network - default mainnet
Conseil Config:
- API_PORT - Conseil API port, default: 80
- API_KEY - Conseil API key, default: conseil
Or, you can use your own config file, in which case specify the environment variable CONFIG
with the path to your file
To run Lorre ( the indexer ) run:
docker run conseil lorre
and Conseil ( the API ):
docker run conseil conseil
Conseil has two entry points:
runs a server exposing a RESTful API over blockchain data, stored in its own database.src/main/tech/cryptonomic/Conseil/Lorre.scala
is a background process that loops and synchronizes (Tezos) blockchain data to database.
The Conseil server should be run behind a proxy such as Nginx with TLS enabled through something like LetsEncrypt. Futhermore, HTTP Strict Transport Security and Certification Authority Authorization are highly recommended!
- JDK (> 8.x)
- Scala (> 2.12.x)
- SBT (> 1.2.6)
- A database supported by Typesafe Slick, e.g. Postgres
- JRE (> 8.x)
- A database supported by Typesafe Slick, e.g. Postgres
Run the following command from the root directory of the repository:
sbt clean assembly -J-Xss32m
This will clean any existing local artifact, compile the project, and create a "fat JAR" with the runnable application, including all its dependencies.
After the packaging step, check the SBT output for the path of the generated fat JAR file. Copy this file to the desired deployment area.
After deploying the jar and having started a database instance [see the 'Database set-up' section]
java -Dconfig.file={path to custom config file} -cp {path to fat JAR} tech.cryptonomic.conseil.Conseil
java -Dconfig.file={path to custom config file} -cp {path to fat JAR} tech.cryptonomic.conseil.Lorre <network>
From the project root and having started a database instance [see the 'Database set-up' section]
env SBT_OPTS="-Dconfig.file={path to custom conseil config file}" && sbt "runConseil"
env SBT_OPTS="-Dconfig.file={path to custom lorre config file}" && sbt "runLorre <network>"
Here network
refers to a valid configuration key, defined in the .conf
file (any custom one), and describing a blockchain node connection info.
Such configuration should provide protocol, hostname, port, pathPrefix
for a chain rpc node. Such key will be looked-up under the platforms.<blockchain-name>
path in the config file.
(The only supported blockchain at the moment is "tezos").
You can manually add your own in a local config file, as well: refer to the 'Custom Configurations' section for additional information about customizing the configuration files.
NOTE: Lorre
can run with some extra argument for a different behaviour, run it with --help
for a list of accepted options
The application expects to read and write from a database compatible with Typesafe Slick. One can either run against a database installed on the local system or, as described below, against a containerized database instance. In any case, the instructions in the 'Custom configurations' section below should be used to provide the correct database parameters to Conseil.
Cryptonomic uses Postgres for all its Conseil deployments. Once a Postgres database is set up, sql/conseil.sql
can be used to set up the latest schema.
For non-Postgres databases: the schema file might have to be updated to reflect the idiosyncrasies of the particular SQL dialect being used. Additionally you will probably need to generate the proper scala classes and update the codebase to use a different db-profile with Slick. To generate the code from a running up-to-date database you can run the sbt task from the project root:
env SBT_OPTS="-Dconfig.file={path to custom config file}" && sbt "genSchema"
Look at the task output to know where the file has been generated.
Build Conseil as a fat JAR file using the steps described in the previous sections.
Run this command using a script or as part of a service definition for Conseil:
java -Dconfig.file={path to custom config file} -cp {path to fat JAR file} tech.cryptonomic.conseil.Conseil
Then, run this command using a script or as part of a service definition for Lorre:
java -Dconfig.file={path to custom config file} -cp {path to fat JAR file} tech.cryptonomic.conseil.Lorre
See 'Custom Configurations' section for information about custom config files.
After launching both Lorre and Conseil process you will be able to query the system for information on the blockchain and to execute operations.
An intro tutorial is available here
The application expects to access a postgres database instance to run: you can run one locally, as already described, or you can use a Docker image to run it within a container.
We won't be explaining how Docker works in detail, please refer to the official documentation.
A docker-compose.yml
file is included in the root project directory that will launch a docker container with the database.
You need to customize the credentials in the YAML file or in your custom configuration [see the following section].
To run the database, from the project root
docker-compose up -d
This will launch the db container and setup the schema as described by the file under sql/conseil.sql
To stop the database
docker-compose down
This will stop and remove the container, but will keep the db data in the pgdata
project folder, hence you can restart the container without losing any information stored.
To clean and restart the db from scratch, simply remove all pgdata
content while the container is not running.
The project includes an automated test suite that gets improved constantly. To run the test you can use sbt from the root project directory
sbt test
There's currently no need to have a database running to run the test-suite. An embedded postgres db instance will automatically be downloaded and used during testing. Please make sure you have the libpq5 package installed, otherwise some of the unit tests using the embedded database may fail. For ubuntu the command should be
apt install libpq5
Conseil uses Typesafe Config for managing its configurations (including database access via Slick). Please ensure you become familiar with both configuration systems before deploying Conseil. It is advisable to run with a custom config file which will automatically "inherit" defaults from the src/main/resources/reference.conf
for production or manually include src/main/resources/developer.conf
for local development.
In the latter case, parent configuration can be defined in the custom file using the include
You might usually want to override definitions for the subsystem you're actually running (i.e. lorre
or conseil
), and the platforms
you're connecting to.
You can store the custom configuration anywhere and pass it to the runtime with the -Dconfig.file={path to custom config file}
command line option, as shown in the previous sections.
Any custom file can be stored in the project directory itself, under <path to Conseil>/Conseil/src/main/resources
and referenced as a resource with the -Dconfig.resource={custom-config-filename}
command line option, or as an external file, as explained before.
At a minimum the configuration file should include three key pieces of information:
- database connection
- blockchain node connection
- conseil server registered apikeys
Here is an example showing a default local development configuration defining the afore-mentioned config entries:
include "developer"
#database connection
conseil.db: {
dataSourceClass: "org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource" #jdbc source
properties: {
databaseName: "conseil"
user: "redacted"
password: "redacted"
#please make sure you know what you're doing before changing these values
numThreads: 10
maxConnections: 10
#you might want to simply re-use the same database for local development
lorre.db: ${conseil.db}
#available blockchain platforms
platforms {
tezos {
#networks available on 'tezos'
alphanet {
node {
hostname: "localhost",
port: 8732
pathPrefix: ""
The imported developer.conf
resource will in turn provide a list of api-keys in the form
conseil.security.apiKeys.keys: [key1, key2, ...]
Such keys will be checked by the server when connecting via Http endpoints to Conseil, matching a required http-header with key apiKey
The production configuration can override the default without resorting to inclusion of the dev conf.
For additional extra fine-grained configuration you can refer to this appendix
If you're a contributor and need to publish the artifacts on sonatype, you'll find instructions in the publishing doc
If you want to contribute please read practices we follow in terms of organizing workflow with git.
This are the main libraries used throughout the project:
- Cats
- fundamental support for functional programming development, providing all the basic blocks
- Typelevel Cats-Effect
- functional handling of "effects" based on type classes and the included
- functional handling of "effects" based on type classes and the included
- Akka-Http
- used to provide client and server implementations for connecting to blockchain Rest APIs and to expose Conseil's own API
- Fs2 (functional streaming for scala)
- used to collect concurrently multiple data elements and progressively process them inside
- Circe and Jackson
- we mostly employ Circe for the encoding/decoding of json, but some older parts still rely on Jackson
- Endpoints
- used to describe our Rest Api and implement the OpenApi spec and Akka-http server from the same blueprint
- Lightbend Slick
- we use this to define the database model, create and compose database queries, compose the asynchronous calls as needed
- Pureconfig
- read configuration with early detection of expectations and type-safe modeling of the configured values
- Scopt
- command line parsing of options/arguments
- Scalatest and Scalamock
- unit testing and mock/stub/dummies