This project is a ruby implementation of ISO 639-1 alpha2 and ISO 3166-1. It includes definitions of all two letter language and region codes.
Languages are defined by ISO 639-1 alpha-2; that is the 2 letter lowercase language code.
These have been augmented to contain the plural rule names and the language's direction.
> ISO::Language.find('ru')
=> #<ISO::Language:0x007fe2ba43db50
@plural_rule_names=["one", "few", "many", "other"],
Regions are defined by ISO 3166-1; that is the 2 letter uppercase region code.
> ISO::Region.find('MX')
=> #<ISO::Region:0x007fe2ba070e50
The combination of a language and a region is called a Tag :
=> #<ISO::Tag:0x007fe2bb005b90 @code="pt-BR",
@plural_rule_names=["one", "other"],
You can check if a Tag is valid like so :'pt-BR').valid? => true'lolcat').valid? => false
Language and region names are internationalized - contribute to the I18n project directly on Locale for any changes.