This is another story about Pete
Pete likes to write Nix using Neovim
This is what happens to Pete:
- Pete edits Nix files that contain injected languages.
- Pete uses Treesitter which has Nix grammar for parsing. This make Pete happy 😊.
- Neovim doesn't support attaching LSPs for different languages in the same buffer. This makes Pete sad 😢.
- conform.nvim also doesn't recognize how to format injected languages. This makes Pete sad 😢, and sometimes angry 😠.
Don't be like Pete, use ninjection.nvim!
Ninjection is a plugin designed to improve editing injected language text. Its goal is to provide a seamless, first-class editing experience for injected code with full support for LSPs, code-snippets, completions, formatting, etc.
Ninjection utilizes Treesitter's language parsing functionality to identify nodes that contain an injected language, and appropriately designate that language. It provides functions to create a new buffer for that language, and to attach an appropriate LSP to that buffer.
While Ninjection was written primarily to edit injected languages in Nix files, it should be easily extensible to other languages. Ninjection provides configuration options to modify language parsing queries, LSP mappings, window styles, and formatting.
Simply add 'pete3n/ninjection.nvim' to your lazy.nvim setup function, such as:
ninjection.nvim currently is limited to detecting injected languages in Nix files. However, it should be easily extensible for other languages. It expects injected languages to be designated with this format:
injectedLang = # language_comment
injected language content
Both these limitations are derived from the Treesitter query which is used to identify these code blocks. The default query for Nix is:
(comment) @injection.language
(string_fragment) @injection.content)
(string_fragment) @injection.content)
(#gsub! @injection.language "#%s*([%w%p]+)%s*" "%1")
(#set! injection.combined)
Ninjection requires Neovim version 0.8.0 or greater, with nvim-treesitter and nvim-lspconfig both enabled.
You can verify these dependencies are met by running:
:checkhealth ninjection