Enabling the use of Stata together with Python via Jupyter (IPython) notebook through the Ipystata package.
STATA tutorial using notebook STATA cell magic.
STATA using cell magic
(Your STATA statement)
This project is a tutorial on STATA using STATA cell magic in Jupyterlab notebooks
The tutorial taken through is this book by Ulrich Kohler and Frauke Kreuter:
Be running Jupyter. I use the anaconda installer: https://www.continuum.io/downloads
You'll also need to install the library and dependencies listed below, if you don't have it
pip install ipystata
pip install ipystata --upgrade --force-reinstall
Python 2.7 or 3.x
IPython 3 or 4 (http://ipython.org/)
Pandas 0.17.x + (http://pandas.pydata.org/) (I recommend to use a distribution like Anaconda)
Recent version of Stata (13 / 14 preferably) (http://www.stata.com/)
IPyStata can communicate with Stata using two different techniques:
- Stata Automation, works on --> Windows
- Stata Batch mode, works on --> Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux
The Stata Automation
mode has a richer feature set compared to the Stata Batch mode
Unfortunately, Stata only supports Stata Automation
for Stata instances running on a Windows OS.
For Windows Stata Automation
is set as default but it is possible to set it to use Stata Batch mode
For Unix operating systems (OS X and Linux) it is only possible to use IPyStata in Stata Batch mode
Go to your Stata installation directory and either:
- Shift + Right-Click --> click "Open command window here"
or - Open command window (search for "cmd") and type:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata14
(Obviously change it to your Stata directory)
- Shift + Right-Click --> click "Open command window here"
Look up the name of your Stata executable (e.g.
) and in your command window type:
StataMP-64.exe /Register
You can also follow instructions at:https://github.com/TiesdeKok/ipystata#get-ipystata
You can find examples like
IPyStata is imported and loaded using import ipystata
A cell with Stata code is defined by the cell magic %%stata
- Peter Otieno - peterakworo - LinkedIn
- To Vincent Were my STATA mentor.