This is the implementation for AST-Trans: Code Summarization with Efficient Tree-Structured Attention.
pip install -r requirements.
this step attends to generate pot, sbt, paths and relationship matrices of ASTs. The dataset we proposed have been pre-processed. If you want to pre-process the dataset of your own, you can save ASTs as a json object of format like {'type':'';'value':'','children':[]}, and then run:
python pre_process/ --data_dir your_data_set_path --max_ast_len 250 --process --make_vocab
we use py_config_runner. The config of model is saved at ./config. you need to change 'data_dir' to your own data set path. clearml is also supported in our implementation. if you do not want to use it, just set:
use_clearml = False
For run AST-Trans:
python --config ./config/ --g 0
python -u -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --use_env --config=./config/ --g 0,1
For test, you can set the parameter 'is_test' to True. and set the checkpoint file path. The program will default find the checkpoint based on the hype-parameters. And we apply a trained AST-Trans checkpoint file for python in If you want to load model on your specific path, just change the 'load_epoch_path' of the test function in script/
load_epoch_path = './checkpoint/'