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Generic Templates (POC)

This repository contains generic templates for widgets in Pobo Page Builder.

Changelog versions:

  • 3.4.2 - Fix .rc-profit icon width
  • 3.4.1 - Extension of variables
  • 3.4.0 - Add multi-column widgets
  • 3.3.0 - New gallery - PhotoSwipe
  • 3.2.0 - Fix font family, add variable for image alignment
  • 3.1.0 - Fix max width widget
  • 3.0.2 - Fix <li> circle, remove native variable
  • 3.0.1 - Fix bug with full-width widget, add font family variable
  • 3.0.0 - Support full-width widget, add background, spacing widget support
  • 2.0.3 - Add variables for list item, paragraph, title line, standard table
  • 2.0.2 - Add background color variable
  • 2.0.1 - Add mobile variable support
  • 2.0.0 - First version

Classes with a question mark

  • rc-header-top-image-bottom
  • *__image - image alignment
  • typo - h2, h3, h4 - font family
  • typo - h2, h3, h4 - font family
  • typo - p - font weight

Creating a Widget in Pobo Page Builder

This repository is primarily for Pobo Page Builder plugin clients who want to customize the appearance of their widgets.

Before we start...

Before starting, you need to have the following tools installed on your computer:

  1. Version control system git
  2. nodejs (min. >=10.19)
  3. npm (min. >=6) or Yarn

Cloning the repository

  1. Clone the repository using:
git clone [email protected]:pobo-builder/widget-asset.git

Then install the dependencies using:

npm install

If you are using Yarn:

yarn install

Directory structure

After installing the dependencies, you will see the following structure:

├── dist
├── node_modules
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── src
    └── *.scss

Main points of interest:

  1. The dist/* directory contains JS and CSS compiled from the src/* directory.
  2. The src/* directory contains the source SCSS files for individual Pobo widgets.
  3. The package.json file includes the following scripts in the scripts section:
    1. watch (run with npm run watch) watches all files in the src/* directory and compiles them into dist/* upon changes.
    2. build (run with npm run build) compiles the src/* files into dist/*, removes source maps, and minifies the code.
    3. proxy (npm run proxy) creates a tunnel (proxy) from localhost:8088 to a public URL (explained further below).

Writing Your First Widget

Let's start by coding our first widget. First, create a new PR: git checkout -b "widget-fv-bikemax-benefix-big" origin/main.

Next, create a new SCSS file in the src/* directory and name it using the convention [brand]-[client]-[widget-type]-[variant] (e.g., fv-bikemax-benefit-big.scss). Import this SCSS file into src/editor.scss (e.g., @import "fv-bikemax-benefit-big.scss";).

Run the command npm run watch to watch for changes in SCSS files, compile them into CSS, and create a server displaying styled widgets at http://localhost:8088.

Writing CSS (SCSS)

We recommend styling widgets using the BEM methodology, which ensures low specificity and minimal risk of interference with external modifications (e.g., overriding styles by a template, global adjustments by coders, etc.).

When writing classes, we recommend using prefixes based on the SCSS file name (e.g., .fv-bikemax-benefit-big). This avoids conflicts with other widgets. The code should look something like this:

.fv-bikemax-benefit-big {
  &__title {
    font-size: 10px;
  &__subtitle {
    font-size: 20px;

  &__image {
    float: left;

Important Information: Do not use prefixes like .pb-* or .rc-* as these are reserved for Pobo Page Builder widgets available to all clients, and conflicts may occur.


Testing the Widget Before Deployment

Before deploying, it's good practice to test the widget's appearance on the client's side. Here's a simple process:

  1. Start ngrok (a proxy server for local development) using:
npm run proxy
  1. The terminal will return output like this:


Note the public URL, e.g., This URL is a public tunnel (proxy) to your local server (http://localhost:8088/).

  1. Open and find the linked CSS file in the header (e.g., /index.cc2492f5.css - the name will vary, as a content hash is used). Copy the path to the CSS file (e.g.,

  2. Log in to Pobo at, navigate to, create your first customization, and insert the following into the code field:

@import "";



Stack pro vývoj widgetů na míru pro Pobo Page Builder.






No packages published

Contributors 3
