A simple way to get metadata of media link.
Requires at least PHP 5.3.3 because uses Zend library. Compatible PHP 5.4 too.
This package uses Zend framework (https://github.com/zendframework/zf2), and OpenGraph (https://github.com/scottmac/opengraph) to get meta-data with open graph protocol (http://ogp.me/).
$media = new \Pok\Media\Media();
// one service equal to one class
// several filters to find the service in relation to the links, be careful not to forget the scheme
$uri = new \Zend\Uri\Uri('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh9oUHO2dxE&useless_data');
// get instance of \Pok\Media\Service\Youtube with id (uh9oUHO2dxE), title, description of video, etc.
// false if error.
$service = $media->analyse($uri);
echo $uri->toString(); // http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh9oUHO2dxE