Apache Flink
Apache Flink Examples EMR
flink run poly-flink-1.0-development.jar "batch" "s3a://poly-testing/covid/combined/"
flink run poly-flink-1.0-development.jar "socketstream" "" 9000 "\n"
flink run poly-flink-1.0-development.jar "filestream" "s3a://poly-testing/covid/combined/"
flink run poly-flink-1.0-development.jar "batchtable" "s3a://poly-testing/covid/orc/combined/"
To interact with Scala Shell on EMR ssh into the cluster and type commands running r5d.xlarge.
aws s3 cp s3://bigdata-utility/jars/flink-sql-orc_2.12-1.11.0.jar .
/usr/lib/flink/bin/start-scala-shell.sh yarn -s 10 -jm 1024m -tm 4096m --addclasspath /home/hadoop/flink-sql-orc_2.12-1.11.0.jar
- -s: number of slots = number of cores
- -jm: job manager memory
- -tm: taskmanager memory
CLI Interaction