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Repository files navigation


NPM travis-ci

Connect your Preact components up to that address bar.

preact-router provides a <Router /> component that conditionally renders its children when the URL matches their path. It also automatically wires up <a /> elements to the router.

๐Ÿ’ Note: This is not a preact-compatible version of React Router. preact-router is a simple URL wiring and does no orchestration for you.

If you're looking for more complex solutions like nested routes and view composition, react-router works great with preact as long as you alias in preact-compat. React Router 4 even works directly with Preact, no compatibility layer needed!

Usage Example

import Router from 'preact-router';
import { h, render } from 'preact';
/** @jsx h */

const Main = () => (
		<Home path="/" />
		<About path="/about" />
		// Advanced is an optional query
		<Search path="/search/:query/:advanced?" />

render(<Main />, document.body);

If there is an error rendering the destination route, a 404 will be displayed.

Handling URLS

๐Ÿ’ Pages are just regular components that get mounted when you navigate to a certain URL. Any URL parameters get passed to the component as props.

Defining what component(s) to load for a given URL is easy and declarative. You can even mix-and-match URL parameters and normal props. You can also make params optional by adding a ? to it.

  <A path="/" />
  <B path="/b" id="42" />
  <C path="/c/:id" />
  <C path="/d/:optional?/:params?" />
  <D default />

Lazy Loading

Lazy loading (code splitting) with preact-router can be implemented easily using the AsyncRoute module:

import AsyncRoute from 'preact-async-route';
  <Home path="/" />
    getComponent={ () => import('./friends').then(module => module.default) }
    getComponent={ () => import('./friend').then(module => module.default) }
    loading={ () => <div>loading...</div> }

Active Matching & Links

preact-router includes an add-on module called match that lets you wire your components up to Router changes.

Here's a demo of <Match>, which invokes the function you pass it (as its only child) in response to any routing:

import Router from 'preact-router';
import Match from 'preact-router/match';

    <Match path="/">
      { ({ matches, path, url }) => (
      ) }
      <div default>demo fallback route</div>

// another example: render only if at a given URL:

    <Match path="/">
      { ({ matches }) => matches && (
        <h1>You are Home!</h1>
      ) }
    <Router />

<Link> is just a normal link, but it automatically adds and removes an "active" classname to itself based on whether it matches the current URL.

import { Router } from 'preact-router';
import { Link } from 'preact-router/match';

      <Link activeClassName="active" href="/">Home</Link>
      <Link activeClassName="active" href="/foo">Foo</Link>
      <Link activeClassName="active" href="/bar">Bar</Link>
      <div default>
        this is a demo route that always matches


Can easily be impleted with a custom Redirect component;

import { Component } from 'preact';
import { route } from 'preact-router';

export default class Redirect extends Component {
  componentWillMount() {
    route(, true);

  render() {
    return null;

Now to create a redirect within your application, you can add this Redirect component to your router;

  <Bar path="/bar" />
  <Redirect path="/foo" to="/bar" />
