Standalone version of MRTK Standard Shader, to be included in any project, hosted with the MIT license, taken from the latest version of Microsoft's Mixed Reality Toolkit.
MixedRealityToolkit/Standard shader
The MixedRealityToolkit/Standard shader is a collection of shading techniques for mimicking Microsoft's Fluent Design System within Unity 3D.
The goal of this shader is to have a single, flexible shader that can achieve visuals similar to Unity's Standard Shader, implement Fluent Design System principles, and remain performant on mobile hardware, including standalone mixed reality devices.
Example scenes
To explore a Unity scene demonstrating materials, open Scenes\MaterialGallery.unity.
To compare the Unity Standard shader to the MRTK Standard shader open Scenes\StandardMaterialComparison.unity.
For clip primitive examples, open Scenes\ClippingExamples.unity.
Only one light source is supported, the directional light (additional light can be achieved using lightmapping).
If you are already using MRTK, this repository will cause clashes, so these packages are not useful to you.
Download the packages below. Or clone the repo and drop it into your existing unity project.