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A base installation of Laravel 12 with the React starter kit, dockerized with FrankenPHP and ready for production.

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Base Laravel React

A modern web application built with Laravel 12, Inertia.js, React, and ShadcnUI, containerized with Docker.


This project leverages several powerful technologies:

  • Laravel 12 - PHP web application framework
  • Inertia.js - Modern monolithic architecture connecting Laravel to React
  • React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • ShadcnUI - A collection of reusable UI components
  • FrankenPHP - Modern PHP application server
  • Docker - Containerization platform
  • SQLite - Embedded database

Development Setup


  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Git

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-name>
  2. Start the development environment:

    docker-compose up -d
  3. Install PHP dependencies:

    docker-compose run --rm composer install
  4. Install JavaScript dependencies:

    docker-compose run --rm npm install
  5. Build frontend assets:

    docker-compose run --rm npm run dev
  6. Generate application key:

    docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
  7. Run database migrations:

    docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate

The application should now be accessible at https://localhost (you may need to accept the self-signed certificate).

For live frontend development:

docker-compose run --rm npm run dev

Production Deployment

To deploy to production:

  1. Ensure your environment variables are properly set for production.

  2. Build and start the production containers:

    docker-compose -f up -d
  3. Run database migrations:

    docker-compose -f exec app php artisan migrate --force

The production environment uses optimized Docker images with precompiled assets.

Code Quality Tools


  • ESLint - JavaScript linting
  • Prettier - Code formatter
  • TypeScript - Static type checking

Run the frontend linting:

docker-compose run --rm npm run lint

Format frontend code:

docker-compose run --rm npm run format


  • Laravel Pint - PHP code style fixer
  • PHPStan/Larastan - Static analysis tool
  • Rector - PHP code quality tool and automatic refactoring

Run the backend code style fixes:

docker-compose run --rm composer pint

Run static analysis:

docker-compose run --rm composer analyse

Directory Structure

The project follows the standard Laravel directory structure with additional organization for React components:

  • app/ - Laravel PHP code
  • resources/js/ - React components and frontend code
  • resources/css/ - CSS and styling
  • public/ - Static assets and compiled frontend code
  • routes/ - Application routes
  • database/ - Database migrations and seeders


MIT License


A base installation of Laravel 12 with the React starter kit, dockerized with FrankenPHP and ready for production.






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