plusminus 0.4.0
- Update default sys.setrecursionlimit to 3000 if it has not
already been modified, to allow for deep call stacks generated
from infixNotation parsers.
- Custom functions can now take different numbers of arguments,
using a tuple of integers for the arity. For example, here is the
log function, that can take only one or two arguments:
self.add_function("log", (1, 2), math.log)
- Updated operators and functions in ArithmeticParser:
- "−" can now be used as a unary minus operator, like "-".
- "//" operator for floor division added.
- round function now accepts one or two arguments, instead of two only.
- Updated operators, functions and variables in BasicArithmeticParser:
- Added the log function above in the BasicArithmeticParser. If called
with one argument, base e is used. If called with two, the second
argument is used as the base.
- Removed the nhypot function. The hypot function now takes any number
of arguments.
- gamma function now takes one parameter, instead of two.
- Added variable "tau" (same as "τ"), which is equal to 2×π.
- Added variables "ϕ" and "phi" (same as "φ", the golden number).
- Updated documentation and examples in the BasicArithmeticParser class.
Thanks to TheOneMusic for his awesome contributions to this release!
- Refactoring the parser classes to provide a
parser for standard Python expressions using standard Python
operators and builtins, and functions from the math module
(may limit types to int and float). Will make this parser more
of a safe drop-in replacement for "eval" without extra bells and
- Better definition of custom operators, to permit support for
proper definition of precedence of operations.
- Update web demo to support selection of different parsers.