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Unknown edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 3 revisions


Overlord has build in functionality for project management. From the cli you can manage each project by loading the configuration file with the load command. When you deploy the project again, the modifications will be pushed to the providers. It does so by creating a directory under the projects folder.

SSH Keys

Each time a new instance is created, SSH keys are generated. They are stored in the project directory under the ssh_keys folder.

Let's Encrypt Certificates

When a new certificate is created for the c2 or gophish, the are stored in the project directory under the certificates folder.

For more information visit the Help.

Supported Providers

  • Digital Ocean
  • AWS
  • Godaddy


The set command can be used to initialize the API keys to communicate with the providers. The domains variable can be used to add domain names into the overlord project.


The ./projects/variables.json can be used to auto load the keys used to authenticate with each of the supported providers and the domain names. When you first set the arguments into your campaign you can save them using the set variables command which will create the variables.json file.


The help menu can provide additional information about each command.

Overlord$> help -v

Documented commands (type help <topic>):

General (type help <command>)
info                Prints variable table or contents of a module which was added to the campaign
set                 General variables for the campaign to be set

Module  (type help <command>)
delmodule           Deletes a module
editmodule          Edits a module
usemodule           Usemodule command help

Project (type help <command>)
create              Creates terraform project from the campaign
delete              Deletes a project
deploy              Deploy current  project
load                Load a project to overlord
new                 Creates new terraform project.
rename              Rename a project
save                Save a project

clear               Clear the screen
exit                Exit to main menu
help                List available commands or provide detailed help for a specific command
history             View, run, edit, save, or clear previously entered commands
shell               Execute a command as if at the OS prompt
version             Version
Overlord$> help set 
usage: set [-h] {dotoken,aws_secret_key,aws_access_key,domains,variables} ...

General variables for the campaign to be set

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

                        set-command help
    dotoken             Sets the Digital Ocean Token
    aws_secret_key      Sets the AWS Secret Key
    aws_access_key      Sets the AWS Access Key
    domains             Domain names to be used in the campaign (Multiple domain names can be added)
    variables           Sets the default variables.json to the values that are in memory
Overlord$> help set dotoken 
usage: set dotoken [-h] dotoken

positional arguments:
  dotoken     example : [ set dotoken <token>]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Further Reading

This project could not be created without the awesome work for Marcello Salvati @byt3bl33d3r with the RedBaron Project. That is the reason why we are referencing the name of RedBaron on our project as well. The scripts however were modified and upgraded to support the latest version of terraform (v12.26).

For more information about the terraform implementation of the project, or for general red team concepts you can read the following blogposts:

  1. RedBaron
  2. @_RastaMouse's two serie's blogpost on 'Automated Red Team Infrastructure Deployment with Terraform' Part 1 and 2
  3. @bluscreenofjeff's with his amazing Wiki on Read Team Infrastucture
  4. @spotheplanet's blog post on Red team infrastructure


Firewall rules

Overlord does not support adding new firewall rules from the CLI at the current time. You can add or remove rules from the RedBaron modules directory on the Terraform code or after the installation of each provider (i.e. manually via the cloud provider's web interface).

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