Navigate to the root of the project via command line and execute the command: mvn spring-boot:run
Navigate to the root of the project via command line and execute the command: mvn clean package
Then run the JAR file using the command: java -jar target/test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Navigate to the root of the project via command line and execute the command: mvn test
- Unauthenticated: curl -i http://localhost:8080/me
- Authenticated with MEMBER role: curl -i --user [email protected]:abcD1234@ http://localhost:8080/me
- Authenticated with ADMIN role: curl -i --user [email protected]:abcD1234@ http://localhost:8080/me
- Unauthenticated: curl -i "http://localhost:8080/users?page=0&size=20"
- Authenticated with MEMBER role: curl -i --user [email protected]:abcD1234@ "http://localhost:8080/users?page=0&size=20"
- Authenticated with ADMIN role: curl -i --user [email protected]:abcD1234@ "http://localhost:8080/users?page=0&size=20"
- Unauthenticated: curl -i "http://localhost:8080/grant-permission?roleId=2&permissionId=2"
- Authenticated with MEMBER role: curl -i --user [email protected]:abcD1234@ -X POST "http://localhost:8080/admin/grant-permission?roleId=2&permissionId=2"
- Authenticated with MEMBER role: curl -i --user [email protected]:abcD1234@ -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/admin/revoke-permission?roleId=2&permissionId=2"
- Authenticated with ADMIN role: curl -i --user [email protected]:abcD1234@ -X POST "http://localhost:8080/admin/grant-permission?roleId=2&permissionId=2"
- Authenticated with ADMIN role: curl -i --user [email protected]:abcD1234@ -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/admin/revoke-permission?roleId=2&permissionId=2"